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An hourglass? naruto  questioned  with  a raised eyebrow. I found it  in the  ruins of some old temple, likely  from the days  before  the shinobi  way and  all around  were  symbols of otsutsuki clan.  The surprising  thing was  that  while  the  entire place  was in ruins, this was on a pedestal, as  if never touched  by the change of time....and  that makes it  strange...sasuke answered..... The place  was booby-trapped  and i saw  numerous skeletons  all over the place, all reaching out for it....but  i managed to  get out  and get this ...sasuke  explained  to naruto.  Booby-trapped..... the otsutsuki clan....yep, definitely  don't see anything  good coming from  what does it do? naruto asked.  that's what  i came  to try  and investigate, i sent a letter  a few days ago to kakashi sensei  about my  discovery  and he told me  to bring  it to  check it out....sasuke  continued.  One thing is certain  that if it belongs to  the otsutsuki  clan  and someone  else wants it  it can't be good....kakashi  said. 

He had seen enough  during  his entire  shinobi  career  to know  that things  aren't  always  as they appear to be.  he got this feeling  that this hourglass  wasn't  just  what appeared  to be.  he was getting  all kind of vibes from it.  I'll be keeping it in  the vault  and later  will have  the anbu  try and analyze  it,  I just wanted to let you know naruto...given  that you had  as much  experience  with that clan  as any..kakashi  said.  Suddenly  about three anbu  ninjas  came in one wearing a crow mask  another wearing a  tiger mask and the tallest  one was wearing a rabbit mask. kakashi ordered them to take the hourglass to the vault, after some more talking he dismissed sasuke and naruto.  So what do you think it really is? naruto asked. 

I can't say for  certain....but i sense  a strange energy  from it when i came across it if  it was  generating its own chakra sasuke said. Yeah i feel it too..naruto said.  If there's  any trouble  about to happen i want to be there to stop it sasuke told naruto.  The two  were about  to leave  to go on  with their business only to suddenly  flinched  as they  suddenly heard  some sort of commotion and they both  knew  well  enough  what it might be. both  raced  to where  they sense  the trouble  and came  to the hokage's  vault  which  was were  all  of the  important scrolls  relics  and so many  other  potentially  dangerous  and valuable  items  were held.  once there  they saw the two  anbu  from  the office  knocked  to the ground  one was bleeding  and the other just  barely clinging  onto  consciousness. 

This did not look good.  Are you alright? what happened? naruto asked imposter!  the one  with the rabbit mask!....H-he  took the hourglass crow said before he passed out.  naruto turned to sasuke  who nodded  they knew what they had to do now. Naruto immediately turned sage mod and got the chakra from the  rogu's chakra. they weren't to far from here.  I got him  let's go naruto told sasuke. Needles to say naruto would be late to see hinata.

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