V2 Chapter 7- Return to the Kingdom

Start from the beginning

Grace: Was that Lord Specter?!? Is he coming back with Lady Del?!?!?!

Noc: Yes, soon. We must prepare to show him our new rank.

Grace: Yes! I can finally show them all we've done for the team! Lets hurry back to the inn!

She seemed to be fine after the news and stood up. She hurried back out to the street. And, as usual, Nocmore tried to catch up.

Once they reached the inn, they entered and heard cheers from people around them. Since they had made this place there home, other adventurers had started coming here to use it, and it was obvious. The place was always packed now.

The inn keeper woman smiled as they entered. Her whole life had changed for the better because of them, so it was only obvious she somewhat enjoyed them.

Adventurers walked up to them asking to meet there leader like usual, but this time he could not stop to talk. They didn't seem to bothered, and the people enjoyed there drinks in peace.

Grace ran up the stairs while Noc gave a nod to the inn keeper and started to walk up. He stopped as he heard someone behind him.

???: Are you from team Ruin?

He turned to face the person. It was a woman. She was short and tied her blonde hair at the top.She looked like a assassin of some sort.

Noc: Yes. And you?

???: Blue Rose, the other Adamanite team. I am Tia, an My leader wants to meet with yours to thank him for his ability to protect the kingdom in our absence.

Noc: Hm? Where?

Tia: The Bar down the street, the "Fighting Lion". tonight?

Noc: we shall see.

Tia: Very well then.

They stared for a moment, then she vanished. Noc turned away and back up the stairs to there room.


Sonus pov.....

I gave a deep sigh as I walked through the [Gate] spells portal and back into my inn room. Of course I had changed armor beforehand.

I walked in and looked around. Everything was the same as I remembered. It was perfect.

behind me, Delta walked through. She was back to here cloak and adventurer clothes as well.

Sonus: Ah, feels weird to be back, huh?

Delta: Mhm.

Right, you don't talk much....

The door opened right after that. It was Grace who came through. Thankfully, we already looked the part of adventurers.

Grace: Welcome back!!!!!!

She jumped at me, giving me a hug. Not knowing how to react, I stood motionless.

Being a overlord and still getting hugs is weird.

Specter: yes.... it is good to be back.

The door opened again as Nocmore came through. He noticed us and seemed surprised, but bowed.

On his shoulder my bird Vor instantly flew to my side. He landed calmly on my armor.

Noc: welcome back Lord Specter. Welcome Delta.

Delta: Hm.

Luckily, Grace didn't seem to hear him call Del "Delta" and we continued on. She let go and looked at us excited.

Grace: Its been sooooo boring without you guys! Noc is a so boring.....

Specter: Ha, I bet.

Noc: Lord......

Specter: Oh, my apologies Noc. Now, Report?

Noc: yes. We have been given the highest title of adventurer possible by the guild. These signify that status.

He handed me and Delta a small necklace with a ore on it.

Specter: perfect. We are known now. anything else?

Noc: nothing of importance. We have been doing minor quests for money, it is on the table.

I turned to see a huge bag, as big as my helmet, in coins.

Specter: impressive.

Noc: thank you. Finally, I have received word that the leader of Blue Rose wants to meet with you to thank you personally.

I stopped for a moment. I had heard of Blue Rose from.. somewhere. I knew they were strong. My first meeting with them should go good.

Specter: When?

Noc: Preferably tonight, at the bar "The Fighting Lion".

Specter: very well. We will head there soon. Ah, also Noc go check up on Sebas. I will tell you his address later, after the meeting.

Noc: Of course.

Grace: Who's "Sebas"?


Specter: A friend. It doesn't concern you.

Grace: okay..... So, we get to meet Blue Rose?! Awesome! They're a amazing group of adventurers that anyone would love to meet-!

She rambled on about how great they were and I started to stop paying attention. I focused more on the bigger questions like "what am I going to wear? Should I just look like a "hero""?

Here we go again....

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