entry 2: a vent

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entry 2: a vent

I often ask myself how I'm feeling,
Whether I'm happy or sad.
But recently I've grown distant in my emotions.
I have no idea either.
My grandmother passed away in November.
I thought I coped with her death well,
I actually still am coping.
I'm just not on the brink of tears anymore.
Today, I thought of her.
I thought about how she would comb my hair.
Then I thought about cutting my hair shorter.
I thought so many things.
I don't know really.
I'm all over the place.
I just don't know why I'm distant.
Last week was the worse for me.
I was mentally unwell.
I felt so lost in darkness.
I thought I wasn't going to make it.
I did though...somewhat,
And I don't know why.
Maybe it is the reason why I'm thinking of my grandmother.
She wouldn't want me to quit since I'm just now figuring out my life.


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