"You look funny when you're lost in thought," Luigi interrupted me.

"Huh?" was my clever response, making him laugh.

"The girls have paid for your stuff, so you can just take that tag off and we can move on," he smiled.

"I can't believe how this day is turning out," I mumbled as I pulled the price tag off.

"You're a strange woman Rita. Most women in your shoes would die to spend someone else's money on clothes and shoes," he cocked his head to the side.

"I'm not most women, not that I don't actually enjoy such things. I just don't think I should get those things if I didn't even work for them," I argued.

"Technically, you are working for them right now," he pointed out.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"I mean that you're taking care of the girls right now. If Mr Maestri found out, he'd pay you a shitload of money anyway," he shrugged.

"Language!" I scolded.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly before the girls bounced our way with the bags in their hands.

"We can go put these in the car and then go out for lunch," Caprice said excitedly.

I looked down at them since they had changed as well. We'd gone into a Gucci store and the four of them had fallen in love with this one pink jacket, so they got it and asked me to style the rest of their outfit, and so I did. I was actually shocked to find out that walking out of the store in the clothes they liked was a normal occurrence for them.

I paired the jacket up with black stockings and ankle boots. They looked too adorable for words. The lady at the Gucci store gave me a funny look and told me I'm doing a great job at being their nanny and that it must suck for me to wear cheap clothes while they wear designer clothes. I was actually offended, but I guess today in just my day to get offended.

"We have to pass by that Gucci store first!" Calinda smirked.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"We didn't miss that lady's comment. She was mean to you and you're too much of a nice person," Caprice smiled.

Are these kids really seven years old?

"So we're just going to randomly pass by the store?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, we're going to get you that red handbag that will match your outfit," Caterina smirked.

"Luigi, please tell me that I'm hallucinating and that I don't have unbelievably intelligent seven year olds telling me what to do," I turned to him.

"I know their intelligence is a bit overwhelming, but they do have the best tutors in the business. They've been learning since they were two so they're pretty advanced. You get used to it after a while," Luigi smiled comfortingly.

"So? Are you in?" Camilla asked eagerly.

"You're not doing this out of spite, are you?" I asked them.

"Maybe, but you deserve to feel good. You let too many people bring you down Rita, and we don't like it. We want you to feel like the good looking woman that you are for once," Caprice explained.

"How do you know I've never felt good looking?" I asked lowly, my insecurities catching up to me.

"It's clear in the way you carry yourself. You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever come across, but you're very reserved. Let the girls show you how good you're meant to look," Luigi encouraged.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now