A lamp in the living room had flickered on, making Jane jump again. Sitting in a chair was her dear brother, smiling at her like the crazed lunatic he was. Next to him stood a gorgeous woman dressed in all black. She was frowning and clearly didn't want to be there.

Jerome stood and walked slowly towards Jane, like a predator stalking its prey. "Hello, dear sister."

Her breathing started to get heavier and heavier every second the closer he got. Finally, she snapped out of her scared phase and tried opening her front door to escape. However, Jerome had expected this and ran and slammed the front door shut before she could get out.

"Awww, Jane, where do you think you're going? Didn't yah miss your big bro?"

He was so close to her that she could hear his breath. "Get away from me."

Jerome laughed. "Nah. I missed you too much while I was locked away at Arkham... which reminds me." He grabbed her by the shoulders and twisted her around, pressing her against the door. She looked up at him, getting all teary from the fear of her future death. "Did you really think I wasn't going to do anything after you let me take the full blame of dear Ma's death?"

"Yes, because I didn't do anything," Jane seethed at him. "You killed her! Not me!"

"Yeah I killed her. But family sticks together!" At this point, Jane was unsure of how sane he really was. He must've been truly almost gone if he thought that argument was feasible. But then again, she was the family scapegoat. Everything was her fault.

"What do you want, Jerome?" Jane asked, feeling defeated. "To kill me?"

Jerome smiled. "Of course I don't want to kill you." Jane's eyes widen with surprise. She had thought that was his go-to. "Yet, anyway. I want you to suffer." That sounded more like the brother she knew. He let go of her and looked around his sister's new apartment. "Nice apartment, sis. You really tried to build a normal life for yourself, didn't yah?"

Jane didn't answer him and instead followed him slowly into the living room. "If you're not here to kill me, then why are you here?"

Jerome turned to her and smiled wider. "To let you know that I'm here and to watch your back. Because I'm coming for you."

And with that, the woman in the black shot the light out and when the lights returned, they were gone.


Jane didn't want to leave. She built a home for herself here and wasn't going to give it up because of her selfish brother.

So the next morning, Jane did the only thing she could think of to protect herself; she went to the police station.

Jane felt weird stepping into the building once again after so many months. The last time she was here, her brother was arrested and she escaped before Gordon could get her a new guardian to take care of her. As she observed the busy building before her, she looked around the room until her eyes landed on the very man.

She quickly made her way through it and called out to him. "Detective Gordon."

He turned and looked very surprised to see the person. "Jane Valeska? What are you doing here? Where have you been?"

She held her hand up. "I have to talk quickly. I have something very urgent." The detective nodded his head. "Jerome came to me last night."

His eyes widen. "What did he say?"

"He's after me. I'm worried he's gonna kill me." She looked around. "I need your help. I need protection."

Just as he was about to answer, his phone rang. Gordon turned to her quickly before answering the phone. "I understand and we will try to help." He pointed to another detective down below him, "Talk to Alvarez, he can help." Jane nodded as Gordon picked up his phone to answer it. She started down the stairs towards the other detective as Gordon appeared shocked and then race out of the building.

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