It's suddenly all too much. Jeongguk pushes past the police officer and past Seokjin and then he's running down the hallway, not knowing where, only knowing he just needs to get out, past the startled nurses and doctors and into the nearest empty hospital room he can find. The second he's inside, he drops to his knees and releases the contents of his stomach into the nearby trashcan, feebly wretching until he's dry heaving, shoulders wracked with sobs. He sits up slightly, wipes his mouth. This is what his life has resorted to. His best friend shot because of him, his other best friend disgusted by him. Crying and puking like the pathetic excuse for a human he is in an empty hospital room.

At least, he thought the hospital room was empty.


He would know that voice anywhere.

Jeongguk looks up, holding back the second wave of nausea the voice has inflicted. How could he not notice that they had driven to Busan?

"Haneul." He rasps. His emotionally exhausted mind struggles to process that the beautiful girl he's been completely smittennwith for the past few months is here, in front of him, in the flesh. Pastel yellow scrubs are worn beneath a white lab coat, her long black hair is tossed up into a messy pony tail, and her face is bare of makeup. She's stunning, but she isn't smiling. She's concerned, surprised, frowning in worry. Before Jeongguk can protest, she's approaching him, kneeling next to him.

"Jeongguk." She murmurs softly, gently resting her hand on his shaking shoulder. Her other palm is then on his cheek, caressing the tear stained skin. It feels right. Though Jeongguk is not in the least okay, her touch is comforting. He never wanted to meet her like this, but now that she's here, he has never been more thankful for her presence. "Jeonggukkie, what's wrong? Why are you here?" She coos, her honey voice soothing Jeongguk's ears. "Don't cry."

Jeongguk shakily navigates an uncertain hand to rest atop her hand on his cheek, holding it in place, savoring the feeling, basking in her warmth.

"It's so nice to properly see you, darling. I apologize for how sudden this is." He murmurs, and a small smile graces her lips, but her concerns are clearly still there. "You're even more ethereal in person."

"Jeongguk. Tell me what happened." She prompts him again, but the blush on her cheeks doesn't go unnoticed by him. He has to tell her now. No more lies, no more half-truths. No more Jeon Jeongguk, 21 from Seoul who works in a coffee shop.

"Haneul, I—"

The door opens so harshly it slams against the wall, and Haneul jumps, gripping a handful of Jeongguk's shirt.

"Ma'am, get back! He's dangerous!" The officer shouts, and a few more follow him into the room. Jeongguk's eyes train on the guns, the weapons pointed at him.

"What? What the hell? Put those down!" Haneul, eyes wide but courageous nevertheless, turns Jeongguk's chin to make eye contact with him. "Jeongguk, what happened? Tell me right now!" She says, voice strained. Jeongguk manages a week smile, relishing in her touch while it lasts. "I need you to tell me what's going on."

"I'm sorry, my dear. I'm so, so sorry." He breathes out, unable to think of anything else.

"Ma'am, he needs to be taken to the station for questioning! He's a rogue Wanderer! Get back now!" The officer shouts once more, cocking his gun. Haneul's plump, pink lips fall open in shock and she pulls away her hands from his body as if he's scalding hot. Whatever's left of Jeongguk's heart breaks. Her eyes are less like Seokjin's, less disgust. More fear, more doubt, a hint of confusion.

She scrambles backwards until her back hits the wall. Jeongguk's sure that if she could get further away from him she would. Jeongguk's tears freefall once more as his arms are grabbed and pulled behind his back. He winces as his face is pressed aggressively into the ground and handcuffs are interlocking his wrists too tightly.

"Hey, be gentle! P-Please! He isn't resisting!" Haneul attempts to shout, but her voice is weak and breaking. The officers don't listen. They forcefully yank him to his feet, his weak knees barely stable. Haneul only looks at him, beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He chokes out again through the lump in his throat.

And then he's pulled out of the hospital room, down the hallway, out the doors and crammed into the back of a police car.

He doesn't care anymore.

He's officially all alone, and he's hurt all the people he loves. Why should he?


edited 05/08/20

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