@amazing_rylie<< Okay fine!


@warrenlikesfootball>> Ry, dude, what's up?

@amazing_rylie<< Out of my prosthesis surgery.

@warrenlikesfootball>> Whoa, can I see it?

@amazing_rylie<< I sent a picture of my leg.

@warrenlikesfootball>> Damn, girl. Are you still going to be able to cheer?

@amazing_rylie<< I don't think so. Most likely not.

@warrenlikesfootball>> Damn.

@amazing_rylie<< How's Nina?

@warrenlikesfootball>> Fine.

@amazing_rylie<< Good.

@warrenlikesfootball>> So, Ry?

@amazing_rylie<< Yeah?

@warrenlikesfootball>> What's up with you and Shawn?

Oh no.

@amazing_rylie<< Wdym?

@warrenlikesfootball>> His SC location was at your hospital today.

@amazing_rylie<< Oh, I asked him to drop off my homework.

@warrenlikesfootball>> You're such a nerd.

@amazing_rylie<< ???

@warrenlikesfootball>> You actually want to do your homework?

@amazing_rylie<< I'm bored in here, Warren!

@warrenlikesfootball>> I guess but homework makes it ten times more boring.

@amazing_rylie<< I'm dying in here.

@warrenlikesfootball>> Whoa, really?

@amazing_rylie<< Metaphorically, War.

@warrenlikesfootball>> Oh ok. I'll leave you to your nerdy activities. Love ya.

@amazing_rylie<< Love ya, too <3 bye.

I started to work on the stack of homework that was placed in front of me. That McDonald's better come soon.

Chapter Four Part Two: Shawn

I really didn't want to go to school without Rylie today. Now that I couldn't see her in person, I guess I better start getting used to it.

When I saw Jack in the hallway, it was a different story. He was over there slammed against the locker and sucking faces with his new girlfriend Hannah.

"Jack!" I called after him from down the hallway. He pulled away from Hannah and gave me a nasty look.

"What?" he said, looking at me like he wanted to put a sledgehammer through my face.

"Why did you cheat on Rylie?"

"Relax dude. It's not a big deal," Jack rolled his eyes and turned back to Hannah.

"Yeah, dude, it is." Jack got up in my face now.

"You want to fight?"

"Not if you don't want to," I breathed. In a second, Jack had thrown me on the ground and he was beating my face to shreds. I could feel the bruises forming and the blood oozing from my now split lip. Couldn't see people watching and staring but I knew they were. I could hear the sounds of people whipping out their cell phones and taking videos of my own humiliation. I couldn't let this happen, I had to fight back.

Punch after punch after punch flew at my face and I finally pushed Jack off of me with all of my football force and had him pinned within seconds. I could feel Mr. C pulling me off of Jack.

"Hey! Hey!" Mr. C scolded us, holding both of us by our shirts, me by my letterman jacket. "What is going on here?! You two are good kids!"

"He started it," Jack growled.

"That's a lie," I growled back. We were staring each other down like predators on the prowl.

"I don't care who started it. Both of you have detention. My class. After school. Now get to class!" Mr. C ordered. "All of you!" The crowd of people dispersed, leaving me and Jack still standing there.

"You don't dare mention a word of this to Rylie," Jack said quietly. I nodded.

"Sure buddy."


Detention seemed to last forever. I stared at the ticking clock and then stared back at my twiddling thumbs.

Bruises had formed on my face and there was a little blood on my shirt, but I would be okay. I don't know how I would hide it from Rylie. I couldn't tell her. She would freak out. I had to think of something to explain the bruises on my face. Our first FaceTime tutoring session was tomorrow.

I spent the rest of detention thinking up a fake scenario, it wasn't that hard, but I had to have something to pass the time.

Finally, Mr. C eventually let us go. I got some random stuff out of my locker and ventured to the door.

Outside, making my way to my tiny car, I was met face to face with a man wearing circle glasses and was carrying a briefcase.

"Are you Shawn Klein?" he asked.

"Uhh yes, that would be me," I said.

"My name is Scott Bradford and I'm a scout for Juilliard. I need to talk to you."

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