Chapter Four

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Chapter Four Part One: Rylie

I was exhausted after surgery. Little did my mind know that when it said we would take a little nap, my body thought that meant a six-hour nap.

"Hey Ry," my mom whispered. "How are you?"

"Hungry," I grumbled.

"Do you want some food?"

"Hospital food?"

"Well honey, that's the only thing we have."

"McDonald's ma, please?"

"Oh alright. Will you be fine here by yourself?"

"There are dozens of medics here, mom. I think I'll be fine."

"That was sarcasm."

"Very well observed."

"That was also sarcasm."

"McDonald's!" I shooed my mom in the direction of the door. I reached for my phone as soon as she was out.

I had a new text from Shawn.

@shawnklein02>> I dropped off your homework. Your mom should have it.

I decided to text back.

@amazing_rylie<< Thanks. You're the best.

@shawnklein02>> Ahh, how's my cyborg friend?

@amazing_rylie<< Fine XD

@shawnklein02>> Did you get a start on that homework yet? ;)

@amazing_rylie<< No, I just woke up. ;)

@shawnklein02>> Well in that case, good morning. :)

@amazing_rylie<< It's two in the afternoon, Shawn.

@shawnklein02>> True. Have you named your leg yet?

@amazing_rylie<< Named it?

@shawnklein02>> Yeah!

@amazing_rylie<< You're such a weirdo.

@shawnklein02>> So I've heard.

@amazing_rylie<< Oh yeah, by who?

@shawnklein02>> You. Just now.

@amazing_rylie<< Has basically everyone you've ever met called you perfect?

@shawnklein02>> Yep. Except you.

@amazing_rylie<< That's not true. Remember the first time you came to see me in the hospital? The one I was actually awake for.

@shawnklein02>> Oh yeah. I remember that. ;)

@amazing_rylie<< Oh shut up.

@shawnklein02>> :)

@amazing_rylie<< :)

@shawnklein02>> Warren wants to talk to you. He says that if you don't answer him back, he'll come to the hospital himself.

@amazing_rylie<< He can't do that though. XD

@shawnklein02>> Yeah, and neither can I.

@amazing_rylie<< :(

@shawnklein02>> But answer his text, seriously.

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