Here Comes Your Man

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A/N You should listen to The Pixies. I love them.


The alien stared at me for a good mimute before finally speaking in a low, scratchy voice, "You must be very scared. Being trapped on an unfamiliar planet, with an unfamiliar species, not knowing their intentions."

The creature stopped, a smugness taking over their face, "Yes, you must be very scared indeed."

And that is the cue for me to give him my best shit eating grin and reply cheerfully, "Sorry to burst your bubble but you aren't my first. Probably not my last either."

As the alien frowns and opens his mouth to speak, shouts are heard in the distance, capturing both me amd the aliens attention. Just outside the room, the shouts became louder and are now accompanied with noises resembling gunfire.

"So," I said leisurely, smiling even though my hands had been tightly cuffed behind me, "are you gunna go check that out?"

Narrowing their eyes at me, the alien snapped, "Stay here," then promptly left the room.

"Don't keep me waiting~" I called after them, snickering when they slammed the door to my cell shut.

Once the aliens footsteps had faded away, my fingers grasped the pin that I had stole from one of the guards and got to work. Thirty seconds later I was free, rubbing my wrists before standing up and walking towards the door, listening intently for any intruders.

Just as I was about to test my luck at lockpicking the door, the echo of footsteps and more shouts sent me slamming against the wall, the pin held in front of me. If they opened the door, I had the element of surprise and the willpower to be a huge pain in their ass.

The shouts didn't last long. Just as I started wondering what the hell was going on, the voices were cut off when an explosion took place just outside the door to my cell, causing little specks of the ceiling covering the top of my head. With a shake of my blonde hair, I had my ear against the wall, trying to still my rapidly beating heart at the eerie silence.

Finally, the handle to my door slowly  turned and opened, sending me into instinct mode. Launching myself from beside the door, I caught the intruder by surprise, sending us both down to the ground, and held the pin just above their neck, ready to strike.

That's when I noticed the tinted green skin and beautifully combed black hair I had missed these past three hours of being a prisoner to a rather aggressive alien species.

"Baby!" I exclaimed, loving the sight of my savior as Spock looked back up at me, a soft expression across his dirt covered face. At a closer inspection, his clothes were also filthy, with small rips in the fabric here and there.


Before the Vulcan could utter another word, my mouth captured his, immiting a noise of surprise from the man as I pressed closer to him. Only hesitating for a second, I soon felt Spock's arms wrap around my waist, the man responding to my kiss with gentle actions.

My hands moved on their own, weaving themselves through his dark hair while my tongue grazed the bottom of Spock's lip. Electricity spread all throughout my body, leaving the tips of my fingers tingling and a warmth spreading through me. The familiarity of his soft lips against mine had my heart racing and I smiled through the kiss.

The kiss ended too soon when Spock pulled back slightly, panting quietly with tinted green cheeks, "Jim, I must remind you we are in a hostile area and that evacuation is top priority."

Heaving a disappointed sigh, I slid off of him and got on my feet, Spock doing the same.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We run."

"Great plan. Only I think I twisted my ankle when I tackled you."

Spock stared down at the floor for a moment, apparantly deep in thought, before meeting my gaze again, "I'll carry you."

And that's how Spock and I made it out of the aliens headquarters, had gotten beamed up to the Enterprise, and now were facing Bones, my legs and arms wrapped around Spock as I rested on his back.

Giving a small wave, I chirped, "Good to see you, Bones! Did you miss me?"

A grimace slid onto the doctors face as he grumbled, "Hardly. I can't even say I'm surprised Spock carried you out of danger."

"I have a twisted ankle," I defended, letting Spock gently place me on the floor and be examined by Bones.

Even after Bones ushered me to the medbay, Spock coming along despite the doctors complaints, the Vulcans hand never left the small of my back. It was a great thing, to be back with Spock after only three hours of seperation.

Even though he didn't say it, I was sure Spock felt the same, and that's what kept my smile wide and bright throughout the whole torture of what Bones likes to call "making sure I don't have any unknown alien diseases."

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