"Jim, this isn't healthy."

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A/N The song I'm using in this chapter is I Won't Let You Down by OK Go. Check it out if you want. I usually don't listen to this kind of music but this song just grew on me unfortunately.


----Kirks POV----

"You know what I need right now?" I asked, sniffing as I tried not to get snot all over the really comfy couch that I've been stationed on for the past four days.

Obviously, I'm sick. I would be spending the horrid days of not being able to captain the Enterprise in the sickbay if it wasn't for my pleading. I hated sickbays. All that white in one room, the whirring of all the medical instruments, and the hypos, god the hypos.

Yeah, I did a lot of, very un-captain like, begging.

Finally, they, and by they I mean McCoy and Spock, literally the only two people who can tell me what to do, agreed to not keep me trapped in the sickbay on one condition, I cant leave my headquarters.

Which wouldn't be too bad, except Spock had accompanied me on these horrid four days saying he wanted to make sure I didn't 'over do' myself. And by that, I mean he bossed me around all this time telling me to do this and that for my health. It was getting annoying.

Spock looked up from the book he had been reading, an eyebrow raised, "A restful sleep that will restore your health quicker then laying on the couch complaining, Captain?"

God I loved it when he talked humor to me. I gave a very dramatic, very fake gasp, placing my hand over my heart, "Complaining? Is that what you think of me now, Mr. Spock?"

Without hesitation Spock nodded, "I do," then turned his attention back to the book in his hands, ending the conversation.

I gave a defeated sigh, then slowly started untangling myself from the horde of blankets wrapped around me, making my way to a dresser near my bed. When Spock gave me a quirked eyebrow, I simply stated, "Calm down. I'm just getting something for my health."

Although he didn't reply, I felt his eyes on the back of my head the whole trip to my dresser. Opening a drawer, I grabbed a small device that fit in the palm of my hand, making me smile at the memories. I then closed the drawer and made my way back to the couch, crawling under all the blankets and making myself comfortable.

Spock glanced at the silver device in my hand and asked, "May I inguire on what that is, Captain?"

I smiled up at him, "This, my dear Spock, is called an Mp3 player. My dad use to collect all sorts of old things before I was born. Old cars, old movies, old technology, the list goes on," I showed him the device, already turning it on and looking at the bright screen.

Spock hummed in reply and said with a curious glint in his eyes, "What is it's purpose?"

"I'll show ya," I said, scrolling through the millions of old songs my dad had listened to. Finally picking one of my favorites, I pressed play.

The Mp3 player let out a noise, sounding a lot like an alien we met just a couple weeks ago when they talked. It was like a low squeaking, in short.

Spock furrowed his eyebrows at this, "What is that?"

At this point the song was already getting to the singing and I was already getting up to dance to the music, while laughing, "I have no idea."

Spock looked up at me and said simply, his finger placed on the page where he was on in his book, "This isn't healthy, Jim."

I smiled at him while still dancing,"I won't let you down, my love!" I sang, spinning in a circle and trying to add a couple actual good dance moves in here and there. After a moment of me dancing and Spock watching me closely, an idea entered my head.

I bounced over to Spock, still swaying my hips to the movement of the song, "Come on," I said, my arm held out for him. Spock opened his mouth to probably tell me no, but I wouldn't let him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up out of the chair, causing the book that was previously being read, fall to the floor, abandoned.

With a sigh of defeat, Spock let me drag him to the middle of my quarters, watching me as I moved from one foot to the other. He didn't move, but watched with amusement at my horrible display of dancing. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arms, careful not to accidently touch his hands, and started swaying them to the rhythme.

Spock slowly but surely started moving his arms on his own and moved to the beat with me, not as expressivly as me, but still moved. I smiled, showing my teeth, and started singing to the song, laughing a little when Spock looked to be trying to analyze what the song was saying.

"Maybe all you need is someone to trust, maybe all you need is someone," I sang, moving in circles with Spock, not focusing at all on the condition of my health as I danced with Spock.

"And I won't let you down," my hands moved to his hips as I swayed us back and forth. Spock stiffened but that didn't stop me from singing again. "No, I won't let you down. I won't let you down, my Spock," I sang, chuckling as I saw the lightest shade of green go across Spocks cheeks.

"No, I," I moved our hips to the left, "wont," then to the right, "let" Spock glanced up at me, then said along with me, "you down."

I stopped, my eyes staring into his, then felt myself grin from ear to ear, making Spock less tense and we both continued dancing. I felt ecstatic, especially since Spock had moved his hands to my waist when I moved mine to his neck.

When the song ended, we both had smiles on our faces. Well, I did but you could see the smile in Spocks eyes so that definiately counted as a smile in my book, "Did you like it?"

Spock looked thoughtful for a moment, "It was," he paused, trying to find the right word, "strange, I must say." My face faltered a bit no matter how hard I tried to stay neutral. He saw this and added quickly, "But I found it enjoyable."

I smiled again, "I'm glad."

But of course, all good things had to come to an end. The end for us was the swish of my door opening to reveal an irritated looking Bones. He looked between us, both of our hands still on each other, then sighed, "Dammit Spock, you had one job!"

I felt myself chuckling as I let go of Spock, not caring if I 'accidentally' let my hand just barely graze over his. Of course, he noticed this and instantly went green.


A/N I swear I will eventually change the ending to these chapters. Have a nice day!

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