After doing my business I nearly slip and fall out the stall door on some water by the sink, reaching out to grab the sink trying to hold myself up.

"Hey be careful, those guys were messing with the water and spilt it on the floor" a cute brown haired guy dressed very sexy in tight blue jeans and a white casual shirt tells me reaching for my arm trying to help me.

"I'm ok thanks" I steady myself before washing my hands feeling nervous as I sneak a look at him as he fixes his hair in the mirror.

"You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders" he says before handing me some tissue to dry my hands. 

"Na I'm ok" I throw the tissue in the bin as I fix my glasses.

"You sure, I'm a good listener, come on I'll buy you a drink" I can't help but be mesmerized by his smile that I just nod and follow him out as he guides me to the bar signalling to the barman for two drinks as we sit in a quiet corner in a booth away from the crowd.

"So what's weighing you down?" he smiles as he leans back in the chair with one arm leaning on the back looking all confident as he sits close to me. 

"Aww just my sister's wedding soon and I need to go" I sip my drink as he doesn't take his eyes off me making me nervous. 

"Do you not want to go?" He asks as he moves closer with a glowing smile making me relax a little.

"I have to go, but ...ah never mind" I smile before taking another sip of my drink as I look around. 

"But what" he does that smile again that makes me want to tell him everything. 

"My ex fiance is the best man" I blurt out as he stands up and moves to the bar close to us and returns with brown liquid in two glasses "here these are stronger" he sits closer again leaning his arm on the table as he leans on it. 

"I can see why you wouldn't want to go" he touches my hand making me blush and look down as I feel my glasses slide down my nose.

"If I was you I would go and show him what he is missing" I look up at him as he slides my glasses up making me smile but freeze.

"Thank you" I stutter as he turns his head to the side giving me a cute smile "your welcome" .

"I was gonna try find a guy to come with me and pretend to be my boyfriend" I blurt out as he looks at me wide eyes making me cover my mouth. 

"Oh god I wasn't meant to say that, oh now I sound so desperate" I place my head in my hands and lean on the table as I feel him touch my shoulder.

"Hey it's ok I've heard worse stories" I sit up as I keep getting lost in his charming smile

"I doubt that" I drink more of my drink as I feel my head spin more. 

"Oh trust me I know it's kinda part of my job to listen" he winks before drinking his drink not taking his eyes off me. 

"Can I tell you something" I hiccup making him laugh "sure."

"My friend works for this magazine and he did this interview with this guy who is an escort" I whisper the last word as he leans in for me to say it again before pulling away laughing "Ok, and what about him?" He sits back in his chair. 

"I was thinking of hiring him as my date but I don't have the courage" I burst out laughing as he just watches me with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you, I read that article your talking about, he seems to make his clients very comfortable from the things he was saying and he did say in it that people hire him just for the company and also for business trips etc, so I can't see him saying no to your sisters wedding" he finishes his drink and reaches into his pocket taking out his wallet and opening it he takes out a card and leans in close to whisper into my ear. 

"If you get up the courage to ask me here is my number." He hands me the card as he stands up smiling making me look in shock at him as he grabs his jacket, "goodnight" he smiles before leaving making me stare at him as he leaves

"Chanyeol omg here you are" Heechul moves towards me as he looks at the mystery guy leave. 

"Chanyeol that's.... that's.... that's the guy from my story" he stutters all excited as I just throw my head on the table in embarrassment nearly smashing my glasses as he grabs me shaking me. 

"I told him everything about my plan  like a fool and he gave me his number, I didn't know who he was I just thought he was a nice guy". I turn my head to look up at Heechul as he is leaning all the way over nearly lying on the chair just to look out after the cute brown haired male.

"What's all this you told him and when where you gonna tell me about this crazy plan you had, and Chanyeol you will need to pay him to whatever this is, are you crazy" he shakes me a little making me feel sick. 

"I need to show my family I'm not some depressed joke who got left at the altar and cant move on cause I'm scared of being hurt again, so I will  hire him " I feel a sickness wave come over me again as I try stand up. 

"Maybe just find a date here look around you still have time to find someone normal who you don't need to pay a fortune for, mind you if I had the money I so would myself" he laughs out before biting his lips just thinking of it. 

"Hey stop that, plus if I ask him he is no strings attached and when it's over we can both go our own way" I stand up and go to leave as he gets up from his chair. 

"At least think about it before you ring him, please " he rubs my arm as I just nod in reply "can you help me get a taxi I'm a bit drunk" I half smile as he guides me outside and puts me in a taxi "night chanyeol text me when you get home ok" I just wave as the taxi pulls off.

Reaching home I slip off my shoes and coat and fall on my bed feeling my head spinning I gently sit up and reach for my phone and the card he gave me earlier as I decide to text him. 

Hi it's the desperate drunk from the pub, I quickly delete it before starting again.

Hi it's the guy from the club earlier you know the one that nearly slipped. 

After a few minutes I get a reply

Hi, guy from the club

I can't help but smile at his reply

I was wondering if we could possibly meet and maybe discuss a bit more what we spoke about

Sure how does the day after tomorrow sound?, I have the day off so I can meet you then

Sounds great see you then

Yes you will, oh by the way what's your name?

It's Park Chanyeol

Nice name, I'm Byun Baekhyun. I will text you that day with the details of where and when,oh and drink plenty of water tonight before bed, talk soon.

I will thank you, talk soon.

Falling back on my bed I remove my glasses and rub my tired eyes. 

'Am I really gonna do this' 


Lots of love


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