“What is that?”

“A thigh holster.”

I snorted. “Really? Isn’t a thigh holster a little tacky?”

Chance didn’t seem to get my amusement. “Nothing about your safety is tacky.”

At this, I blushed and tried to pull my dress down lower.

“Now, move your hand so I can strap this on you.”

“No,” I protested.

He rolled his eyes. Without warning he pushed my hand away. Deftly, his fingers unstrapped the holster and wrapped it around my leg. Making sure it was tight, he put the strap in place, than tucked the knife in its place.

“See, was that so bad?”

He’d moved so fast that I hadn’t even realized what he was doing. Slightly breathless, I pulled my leg down.

I expected the holster to feel bulky and uncomfortable against the sensitive area of my inner thigh, but I barely noticed its presence.

“No,” I admitted.

Chance shot me an ‘I told you so look’. Turning away, he inserted the key card into place and pushed the button on the elevator. We shot up.

“You’re nervous,” he stated.

“I think I have the right to be.”

“Only a fool succumbs to nerves. Confidence is key if you want to survive.”

“Says the guy whose had a lot more experience with drug deals.”

Chance shrugged. “I fucked up my first deal.”

My cocked a brow. “Really? How?”

“I was scared. Let my nerves get to me. Shit went down, and I was too shocked to prevent someone from getting hurt.”

My heart sunk. “Who got hurt?”

“No one you know.”

After that, Chance shut down. He checked and re-checked our weapons multiple times. Smoothed his hair.  And looked at everything except me.

Too soon, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open revealing the foyer of a gorgeous hotel room. The floors were sparkling, white tile. The walls were a dark blue. All the furniture was modern and sleek.

For a moment, everything was perfect. That was until someone grabbed me from behind and something cold and sharp was pressed against my throat.

“Who is this?” a deep, accented voice asked.

I gasped, and glanced at Chance. The bastard looked cool as a cucumber despite that someone had a knife pressed against my throat.

“This is my assistant, Candi.”

Candi? He couldn’t come up with anything more original?

For a second, the knife pressed into my neck harder, breaking a few layers of skin. I felt something warm and wet slide down to my collar bone.

It took all my strength not to fight or scream. Remembering Chance’s earlier words, I tried my hardest to push through my nerves.

“Let the girl go,” A loud voice boomed through the room.

Immediately, the knife was gone. The arms around me were released. Gasping, I stumbled forward, only to be caught by Chance. He didn’t meet my gaze, but gave my hand a slight squeeze.

“Miguel,” Chance greeted.

My gaze moved north, eyes landing on the man before me. I stifled a gasp.

He was young. Almost as young as Chance. His hair was dark, bordering the lines of black. Beady, obsidian eyes were framed by dark lashes. Smooth, olive skin and full lips gave him an exotic complexion.

He was attractive. In a weird, fucked up, drug dealer kind of way.

His eyes met mine, and I shivered under his gaze. Chance’s hold on my hand tightened.

“I wasn’t aware you were bringing a date tonight, Chance.”

Beside me, Chance shrugged. “I figured she’d be of help to all of us.”

Miguel’s gaze slid south, eyes lingering in certain areas as he checked me out. I bit my lip, resisting the urge to squirm under his filthy scrutiny.

“Why yes, I think so too,” he murmured.

I took a calming breath. Suddenly, I was thankful for the knife strapped to my thigh. I wouldn’t hesitate in using it if Miguel got out of hand.

Granted, Chance said he wouldn’t let any harm come to me tonight, but, let’s face it, ‘Chance’ and ‘Trust’ didn’t belong in the same sentence.

“As much as I like the direction this conversation is heading in, I’m only here for one reason, Miguel.”

Miguel smiled, and sank into one of the leather couches. “Where is the Platinum?”

Chance didn’t sit. Nor smile back. “I want to see the money first, Miguel.”

Miguel scoffed. “Why? Do you not trust me?”

Unlike Miguel, Chance remained calm and collected. “I never said that. I just want to receive confirmation of payment before I deliver 150 kilos of Platinum to your base in Brazil.”

Miguel’s jaw clenched. “Carlos!”

I jumped at the volume of his voice. A second later, an older man with a rounded belly wobbled into the room.


“Show Mr. Burke the bags.”

“Sí, Señor,” Carlos spoke before wobbling out of the room.

A minute later he returned with two large duffel bags in tow.

Miguel grinned and stood up. Walking over, he opened the bags. “Eight million dollars.”

Chance shook his head. “We agreed on nine million.”

Miguel’s eyes flashed to me. “Tell you what. I’ll only give you nine million if you give me a night with this beautiful chica.”

Ohhhhh,  Cliffhanger!

What do we think is going to happen?

Will Chance let Miguel have his way with Piper?

What will be Piper’s reaction?

These are all things to think about!

Song: Run this Town by Jay-Z (feat. Rihanna & Kanye West)

^^^I just thought the song kinda suited the story^^^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story and please make sure to vote and comment!


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