Day 20.

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20) Swim with dolphins.

5 days...

That's all I have left with her.

I wish there was a magic potion, a special spell, just something, anything to make it not happen.

But things aren't a fairy tale and it's taken me too long to realise this.

This is going to destroy me but I wouldn't mind being destroyed by Alexa Richards.

There is going to be painful, devastating and heartbreaking but I knew it would happen.

So remember kids, fairy tales only exist in books and nothing lasts forever.

I turned over and stared at the beautiful brunette beside me, her brown usual straight hair was curly and a mess her head. Her baggy All Time Low shirt was the only thing she was wearing making her have hat perfect feel about her.

Quiet snores left her mouth as she inhaled and exhaled.

I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect, she's my world and even after she goes I'll forever love her.

"Calum? What's wrong?" She asked sitting up, she rubbed he pad of her thumb over my cheek and I then realised I had been crying.

"I was just thinking about loosing yo-" she cut my off by kissing me heavily.

"No." I heard her mumble breathlessly against my lips.

She pushed me down on the bed and I grabbed her hips. Things got heated really fast and it wasn't long before our clothes were off and we were moaning in pleasure.


She pulled away and ran to the shower, I smiled and followed her, she turned on the water and climbed in, I also joined her making her giggle.

We washed before climbing out, we dried and then we but on swimming suits. Today we were swimming with dolphins so to make it quicker, we'll put bathers on underneath and then put on clothes.

I threw on a AC/DC shirt before sliding up some jeans over my swimming trunks. I watched Alexa struggle to put on her bathers. I walked over and kissed her shoulder, I pulled up the suit and she slid her arm through the arm hole.

"I feel really weak Cal." She groaned. I went over and kissed her neck softly.

"OK, you can have a nap before we go babe." I told her, she nodded and I laid her on the bed, she closed her eyes and slowly began to go to sleep.

This is going to happen a lot, see the closer it gets the worse she gets. First she'll get tired, then she'll get weak and then she'll get to slower breathing and finally she'll pass away.

It kills me knowing I'm going to lose her.

At about 12 I got her up and we walked to the aqua centre. We walked in and changed into wetsuits before we walked towards the dolphin trainer.

"Hey my name is Holly and I'm a dolphin trainer." The bright red haired woman smiled, I nodded and Alexa smiled at ten dolphins swimming behind Holly.

"Ok, if you'd like to come near the edge and just get to know the dolphin only to show you won't hurt it." Holly told us, Alexa immediately got down and a dolphin swam over. It obviously like Alexa and it made me smile at how it was cute.

"Ok jump on in." We both climbed in and I watched as she dolphin played with Alexa, it made me smile seeing her smile.

"It's really sweet what you're doing for her." Holly smiled and I wondered how she knew.

"How'd you know?" I asked her while smoothing the dolphin, Holly sat beside me.

"The dolphin doesn't usually play this much with healthy kids, what's wrong with her?" Holly questioned.

"A year ago she was diagnosed with PAH which is a lung disease. It's short for pulmonary arterial hypertension. By the time it was found it was too late. She only has 5 days left." I mumbled to holly, Holly gasped and I saw her eyes get glossy.

"5 days?! How many did she have when you met her?" She asked me shocked.

"25." I whispered, Holly gasped and quickly wiped her tears.

"I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through." Holly gasped.

"It hasn't hit me yet but when it does my god, it'll sting like a bitch." I whimpered. Holly hugged me in a side hug and I forced a smile.

"Stay strong Calum." Holly told me I nodded and hopped into the water joking Alexa as she swam with her dolphin.

"Look Cal!" Alexa exclaimed as she held the dolphin, it swam across the pool and she giggled with glee.

It wasn't long before the day was over and we were back in the hotel. Alexa was weak and had cold chills every now and then.

That was when I knew it was happening and I hated the thought of it happening.

25 Days. (Calum Hood.) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now