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In the current day and age with the Zombocalypse having taken over the United States, the remaining living are numbered. Awsten wanders in what seems to be the remains of Florida, having left his old home in Texas. He's alone. This is dangerous, considering the amount of bandits on the road. By word of mouth, he hears about how Canada is the only country that hasn't been infested and decides he's going to hit the Death Road. He starts up his crappy, rusted pick-up truck and gathers what little supples he had left and takes off.

Awsten's Morale: 5/6

On the way, Awsten finds an old Y'all-Mart that's clearly been ransacked and picked clean. He knows it's probably a waste of time to head in but with only a couple cans of Apocalypse Beef TM left, he's desperate. That, and the lot is somewhat clear of zombies. The forecast is mild and they're groggy. That's the best it's going to get.

He parks somewhat decently in the parking lot and turns off the car. Realizing that it'd be exceedingly stupid to leave his car without a weapon, Awsten looks in the backseat for something that could suffice for now.

"Fuck yeah," he exclaims, grabbing an old baseball bat. The thing could break at any moment but it's better than that singular knitting needle he found.

Awsten's Morale: 6/6

Awsten takes a deep breath and quietly hurdles out of the car. Too much noise would disturb the zombies. He's just glad it's not raining — for some reason that makes the zombies ridiculously irritable.

He looks around, seeing if there was a clear pathway to get into the doors without being noticed. The number of zombies is sparse, so that makes it pretty easy to find a way in.

Awsten enters the Y'all-Mart, realizing that there's literally nothing here.

"God damn it," he mutters quietly. Disturbing the zombies, no matter what size, is a horrible idea. Still, he continues wandering around the store. He bit his tongue, cursing at himself for stopping here instead of that ransacked house. At least there would've been bullets or gas in the toilet. Toilet loot is the best loot, he always says.

Awsten makes it to the back of the store, finding a couple cans of Apocalypse Meat TM and a hockey stick. They're great weapons. No wonder Canada is doing fine.

Deciding that there's nothing worth anything left, he heads back to his truck and gets in. Locking the doors and buckling his seatbelt — safety first! — and turns the car on, wincing at the sound. Awsten's captured the zombies attention.

"Well, shit," he says. He wonders what'll happen if he presses the car's horn. He presses the car's horn.

This was a bad idea.

Zombies perk up at the noise, hobbling quickly towards the truck. They're groaning pretty loudly and it's clear that they're irritated.

"Should've seen that coming," Awsten says. He hits the gas and speeds out of there, running over a couple of the zombies. Nice.

About an hour later, Awsten pulls over to take a whizz. He has a strict rule that no-one's allowed to whizz in his truck. He really needed to go but finding a clearing that wasn't super zombie-infested was time-consuming and annoying, so it was a close call.

"Doo doo doo, dee diddly doo," Awsten hears someone humming. He recognizes the voice but he can't put his tongue on it. It's almost as if he was friends with someone who had that voice before the Zombocalypse. He heads towards the singing and grins widely. It's not a zombie! It's Otto.

Being overtly cautious, he makes his way towards Otto, who seems to be eating a candy bar. Those things still haven't gone bad. Awsten is careful not to scare him. If Otto screams, they're both dead.

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