After he had done some recon of the floor he was on, he looked both ways before deciding which way he should head. He moved quickly and quietly down the hall as to avoid detection or set off any hidden alarms. In a manner of seconds he was where he needed to be. Weapons development is what read on the sign next to a locked door. He approached the doorknob, picked the lock, and went inside. He moved toward the filing cabinets and began his search.

Lieberman: Got em! Now we know for a fact that they are on the base!

Ms. Orimura: Where?

Lieberman:*looking at his computer* Um, they are... In the weapons building, the building directly behind us.

Ms. Orimura takes off in a sprint heading toward there.

Lieberman: *To his assistants* Lock all the exits we need to make sure no one leaves until we find the person.

Assistants: Yes sir!

Lieberman: *Thoughts* I guess we will finally see if this thing works.

You were still looking through weapon files as you heard a bunch of footsteps heading your way. You stopped and moved slowly to the door. You press your ear against the door to listen as the footsteps go by.

After waiting a bit, the rapid footsteps stopped. Going back to the cabinet, you continue looking through the files, until you come across one that caught your eye. You picked it up and peeked at its contents. After all this time, you were one step closer to finding that thing.

You took the file and tucked in your small backpack. After closing the drawer, you went to the door only to come face to face with a guard about to enter the room.

Guard: HEY!!!

You wasted no time as you kicked the guy in the stomach knocking the wind out him and pushing him out into the hallway. He appeared to be knocked out but you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. As you look out the corner of your eye you see a beautiful woman looking straight at you. You were a bit confused as to who she was and why she was here. The guards you could understand, but she was no guard. Who is she?

Woman: Hold it right there!

You then took off in the opposite direction as you heard another guard yelling for you to stop which, of course, you didn't.

*Alarm rings*

You continue to speed down the hall, but as you look ahead you see a couple of guards pointing tazers at you, telling you stop. You glance behind for a second to see that the woman was still chasing you, along with a guard behind her. You look back to the guards in front of you as you're still running to see they're now aiming at you with their tazers.

You take them by suprise when you pull out your pistol and shoot the tazers out of their hands. They grasp their hands while you grab their heads and smash them together, disorienting them. After they fall down, you just continue running to hopefully make to the one of the base jeeps.

Behind you, but still closing in, Ms. Orimura saw what happened. She was pretty surprised at your skills which gave her all the more reason to catch you. She wants to know exactly who you are.

Ms. Orimura:*To the disoriented guards* Don't just stand there, come on, we can't let him get away!

Guards: R-Right!

You continue to run as you come to an exit door. You gave a mental sigh of relief as you go for the door. But it doesn't open. You cursed under your breath as you were shocked to find it was locked.

Punisher: War Machine (Infinite Stratos x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now