"If I don't like it." Dammit. I really wanted to try that. He cut a piece and tried it. It was like his eyes started to glow. Then he ate another piece. Then another until it was gone.

"God Dammit y/n! You make too much good food! I wanted some of that." I looked over to her behind the camera and she nodded in the direction of the kitchen, on another plate was basically the same pie. With all the elements on it. I looked back and smiled at her.

'For us Later.' She mouthed to me.

'Thanks' I mouthed back.

"Well, see you all in 20 minutes. Team 1 you will get your dessert thoughts then." Elliot got up and left to another room with the camera. Everybody went onto the couch except y/n and I. I couldn't wait to try this pie. She took the plate off the table and sat on the floor. I sat down with her,

"How'd you manage 2?" I whispered.

"I convinced them we may need a backup, what they didn't know is it was for us." She smiled at me holding up 2 spoons. 1 bite and I loved it.

"Jesus, come live with me." I said taking another bite.

"I can't remember. Click for life."

"I got away without living here."

"In a few months you can come live here. In my room."

"Can't wait." Then I threw some whipped cream at her. "That's for flipping me off earlier." She scooped some up herself and threw it at me.

"That's for doing it back." She giggled as I pinned her to the ground.

"Lan, they're gonna find us." She hushed.

"Too late." Staring at everybody with their phones out.

"God dammit."

"Sooooo, what's going on here?" Kath said.

"What?! Can't two friends share a pie and throw whipped cream at each other?" I said, trying to disguise it.

"Well yeah but, you're on top of her."

"She threw whipped cream at me!" I climbed off y/n and stood up, wiping the cream from my face. Everybody went back to sit on the couch except Kath.

"You guys are just weird." She stated going back to the couch.

"That was close."

"Too close." I agreed,

"Uhm soooo, how long have you liked me?"

"Since the day I met you y/n."

"Wow, love at first sight huh?"

"Oh totally, hey. At least it wasn't marriage at first sight!"

"Oh that show is so messed up."

"I know right! At least they get a choice at the end though."

"Oh true."

"Are you coming to PAX with us?"

"Oh Uhm, maybe? I don't really do big crowds."

"You've got 2 weeks to figure it out. Hey, it'll be fun. I'll make sure to get a room together."

"Ok, that increases your chance." Y/n smiled. "I just get a little anxious around loads of people."

"It's alright, I'll be there to protect you!"



Our phones went off, and so did the phones on the couch.

Elliot- So, I'm taking a nap. See you all in 1 hour and a half!

"Is this bro for real?! It's gonna be dark then!" Y/n complained.

"Yo y/n! Let's stream!"

"Oh noice! Coming!" She rushed downstairs with Kath,


Elliot was back after his nap and it was dark out.

"Alright teams, I have your scores. Team 2 let's start with you, for your entree I have given you a 4, because it does taste nice. But where's the sizzle? Where's the wow factor? For your main, 2 because it was burnt af and no tomato sauce. For your dessert 5 because you really can't go wrong with Pavlova and I do wish there was something little different on the plate other than berries. So all in up, you have 11 out of 30. Less than half."

"At least we got points." Brodey added.

"Alright team 1, you presented some very well cooked dishes tonight, for your entree, a 9 because I do think a little bit more garnishes would of been nice but overall a great dish! For your main, a 8 and a half, maybe the steak could of been cooked a little more, but the dish was awesome otherwise. Now your dessert, I was observing your area and y/n you seemed to be in charge?"

"Well, one of us had a dish each, Lufu had entree, Marcus had main and I had dessert. So each person would be in charge and they choose the dish." Y/n explained,

"Oh wow, so I absolutely loved the apple pie. It tasted so nice in my mouth and the pastry was cooked to perfection, you had a nice amount of cinnamon in the apples, and I could taste a hint of orange in the pastry. The whipped cream was the element to push your dish to a 10." 

I looked over and they were in a group hug. "

That brings your total to 27 and a half out of 30. Congratulations you have won the cook off!"

Yup small chapter, but usually if there's a sequel chapter it'll be a bit shorter. I hope you enjoyed!!
Lys xx

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