chapter five - updated

494 19 1

Zander's POV (Point Of View)

"Zander! Where were you today, huh?" I heard my father's voice boom from the living room as soon as I walk into the door. As I step froward, I see the living room entrance come into view and there he is, standing from the couch and turning to face me. "The school called. Said that you were absent in your last two classes of the day. Care to explain?"

"I don't really have a good excuse." I respond.

Today was a day of screw ups.

I skipped school with a girl I just met. I'm a good student, I never skip school and all of the sudden I run into this girl and here I am skipping class and trying to steal kisses from her.

I don't know what I was thinking even attempting to kiss her. But she leaned in too, if it wasn't for her damn phone maybe I wouldn't feel so stupid right now for probably pushing my luck with her. I'm not her type.

She's bold and outgoing and ruthless. I'm shy and introverted.

"So you skipped school just because? Without a reason?" My father spoke, cutting me out of my deep thoughts. I was about to reply when he continued, "You think that skipping school to do God knows what is going to get you to where you need to be in life kid? To you it may be all fun and games now but in the future when you're an adult and you're working in fast food, you'll regret it."

I put my head down and continued upstairs to my room. I didn't quite understand how he thought that me skipping two classes in school this one time would cause me to go nowhere in life but I decided it best if I stayed silent and got caught up on the two classes I missed today.

- - - - -

Cara's POV (Point Of View)

Eventually, I reached home. The drive from Zander's house to mine was roughly thirty minutes since the pack house was located in the forest to prevent from onlookers seeing something they shouldn't.

 The drive from Zander's house to mine was roughly thirty minutes since the pack house was located in the forest to prevent from onlookers seeing something they shouldn't

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I parked my car and walked inside to look for my parents. My mom was the one who called me while I was with Zander earlier. She said we had something important to discuss.

"Mom?" I called out in hopes to make it easier to find her rather than me go searching all over this mansion.

"In the kitchen hunny!"

Following her voice, I was welcomed with the sight of her and a few of the kitchen staff in the process of baking some pastries. "It smells amazing in here." I laughed and received a smile from everyone in response. The smell of freshly baked goodies was always wafting throughout the pack house.

My mother always helped the kitchen staff in terms of cooking or baking. She was never the Luna to sit back and make everyone do everything for her and ever since I was a child, because I grew up watching my lovely mother and pack members make such wonderful foods, the smell of the snacks baking always made the pack house feel more like a home.

After snatching a oatmeal raisin cookie of one of the cooling racks, I settled myself into a seat at the island. "What did you want to talk about 'Ma?"

"Rumours have spread quite quickly with your classmates today, Love. Word is that you have found your mate?" I looked to her as soon as the word "mate" crossed her lips and seen her smiling warmly at me.

"Yeah, I have." Not sure what to do or say, I began fiddling with the crumbs on the counter that were left over from my cookie.

"I'd love to hear all about him darling. But I just want to ask you if you'd prefer to wait until he's introduced to everyone to complete the Royal Ceremony or if.." 

"Sorry to cut you off mom but that's the thing. He's a human. It'll take him a while before he even comes close to being accepting of me, let alone ruling a pack alongside me. I'd prefer to wait until I can figure out how I want to do things in terms of him and myself.

Her eyes were on me intently, listening to every word I said. She didn't react at all to me telling her he was human, at least not noticeably.

"Okay sweetheart. You take the time you need. But remember, the sooner the better. Everyone in this pack is ready for you to take over and begin training further."

"I understand." I smiled, getting up from the stool and stealing another cookie before retreating to my bedroom.

I pulled out my phone and called Baxter. It rang twice before he picked up.

"Hey sweetcheeks."

I laughed at his nickname and shook my head. "Shut up doofus and come over. I need your help.

- - - - - 

Long time no talk!

Finally updating & getting back into the groove of reading

and writing.

Tell me how you like it so far?

Do you prefer me adding photos to the storyline or do you prefer to picture it yourself?

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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