"Yeah." Marinette said, gaining courage with this familiar topic. "Th-they could do Captain Hardrock, or Dark Cupid. Those villains were interesting."

"What about the Sapatos? I heard Ladybug and Cat Noir had to get help on that one."

"Or Anansi. They had help defeating her too, plus Cat Noir got tangled in a web. That was funny." She giggled. "Or-would-be-funny... i-if I saw it."

Adrien frowned. "You think it's funny to see a cat almost lose one of his nine lives?" Then he laughed too. They laughed together for a moment, and Marinette felt like she was in heaven.

"I gotta go." Adrien said. "Fencing practice awaits."

"But you only have fencing on Tuesdays." Marinette said. Adrien looked at her funny.

"I m-mean, I was interested in f-fencing, and I saw the p-practices were on Tuesdays. Today is Wednesday."

"Oh, well we have a tournament coming up. We practice every day until it. Anyway, I'll see you at the movies tonight."

"Yeah, s-see you, Adrien." Marinette said. He waved goodbye and walked off. Alya came up to Marinette.

"Is he coming?"


"I'm proud of you Marinette, you actually talked to him!"

Marinette smiled. "Yeah, I guess I did!" They laughed.


Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien walked into the theater. Modern lamps lined the walls, lighting up the dark colored room. They walked down the carpeted stairs and found seats in the middle row. They came early to get good seats, but the theater was already packed. They sat down in the red felt seats, awaiting the start of the show. Adrien was on Marinette's right, and Alya was on her left. Nino sat next to Alya.

"This is exiting!" Alya said. "I wonder if Rena Rouge will be in it."

"Or Carapace." Nino chimed in.

"Whoever is in it, this movie is definitely getting a review on the ladyblog." Alya and Nino continued talking to each other about what could happen in the movie.

"Maybe Queen Bee will be in the movie." Adrien suggested to Marinette. She shrugged.

"M-maybe. I was so shocked when she showed us her miraculous at the fashion show."

"Same here." They sat in silence for a moment. "Are you working on any other fashion designs, Marinette?" Adrien asked. Marinette was caught off guard.

"Um, y-yeah actually. I'm working on a letterman jacket. A nearby school was looking for someone to design them one, and the art teacher recommended me. She heard about it 'cause she's friends with the principle."

"That's so cool, Marinette! Maybe I'll end up modeling it in the future."

"I d-don't know, I'm not that g-great at fashion, and I've never even m-made a letterman jacket before."

"Don't say that, you're great at fashion! I'm sure you could pull off a letterman jacket in your sleep. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be modeling your fashion designs."

Adrien, modeling my clothes! If only! The lights dimmed.

"Looks like the movie is starting." Adrien whispered. Marinette nodded her head, and to her surprise it started to hurt again. I thought I was better. She didn't have time to dwell on it much longer because Ladybug and Cat Noir ran onto the set. They were fighting Dark Cupid, and he was shooting his love arrows everywhere. Cat Noir got shot and then ran after Ladybug. He tried to punch her, but Ladybug avoided it and grabbed him from behind. She brought him close and kissed him. There was a gasp from the audience as they saw their two heroes kiss.

"Told you we were true loves." The movie Ladybug said.

"Of course we are, Sweetie. I never doubted us for a second." They kissed again then turned to face Dark Cupid.

Marinette snorted. That was not how it happened! I kissed him to break the spell. Plus we aren't dating. This movie is wrong already.

"If only that were true." She heard someone say. She looked over at Adrien.

"Did you say something?" She whispered.

"Huh, no." He replied quickly. Marinette shrugged and continued to watch the movie. The scene ended with them defeating Dark Cupid. The audience clapped and cheered their approval.

The next scene came. Ladybug and Cat Noir were fighting Stormy Weather this time. As the scene went on, Marinette felt sleepy, and she had a hard time paying attention to the movie. By the time the next two scenes came and went, her head pounded hard to the rhythm of her heart, her stomach hurt, and she felt sleepy and disoriented. Her stomach made an unnecessarily loud gurgling sound, and her hand shot to her mouth.

Adrien must have noticed because he leaned over and whispered to her. "You okay, Marinette?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She whispered back. "The popcorn made my stomach hurt is all. I'll be fine." Her stomach gurgled again. "I'll be right back." Marinette stood and slid through the isle. Once she was out she ran to the bathroom. She made it just in time too. She upchucked into the toilet, then sat down on the cold floor. Tikki flew out of her purse.

"What is happening to me, Tikki?"

A Miraculous Tale: FlashbackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora