Chapter Forty-Nine: It's Coming to a Close

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Starscream's Profile:

  Sire was above a casket. Inside was a beautiful seeker. The table holding her was made of silver brighter than the moon. It had a pearls and other priceless gems lining the table. All in beautiful designs and swirls. A crystal tree and crystal flowers were around the casket. The glass lid was a beautiful midnight blue. Not to dark so you couldn't look through but enough to make the seeker look like an angel.

  But the seeker herself was more beautiful than her surroundings. She was a dark Magenta with silver claws. Her optics were closed but somehow I knew that they were Ruby red. Her wings were perfection her claws sharp and ready to attack.

  " Is this...?" I began turning to my sire.

  " Yes. This is your mother. Beautiful isn't she?" Sire placed his servo on the glass.

  I then noticed there was a faint smile on her face. She looked so happy. All I wanted to do right then and there was to bring her back. To know who she really was. My spark was set, I would get my mother back.

Soundwave's Profile:

  I noticed my sire leave while Starscream was marveling over his mother. This mattered a lot to him and Megatron. There was no way I would fail at this, my brother was going to get his mother back. Right after I find out where my sire is going.

  Another casket was in front of Shockwave. It was another femme. She looked just like me. She had a slim figure just like mine. The only differences was that her arms were shorter and she too, like Moonglider, had silver claws. She also was a midnight blue color with silver patches were I had purple coloring.

  I knew what her optic color was even though her optics were also closed. Her casket was similar to Moonglider's but she lay on a purple table and she had no gems. Her's was plain but it somehow made it just as beautiful as Moonglider's.

  The glass on the casket was a pinkish color. Almost magenta but not quite. I stared memorized at my mother. Even though I wanted Moonglider revived; I know wished for a second stone to reveal itself so I could have my mother as well.

  " Stop looking at her Soundwave." I looked up. Shockwave hadn't called me prince and I haven't heard so much anger in his voice...ever. 

  I up at Shockwave. He was shaking in rage. When he turned to me, I had never felt so much fear in my life.

  " It's your fault......She is gone because of you.......You want to know WHY you shouldn't have told me your my son....DO YOU WANT TO KNOW??......It's because it is YOUR fault that she is gone!.....If she was never pregnant she wouldn't have had to leave......Wonder would be able to stay safe and with me...I think you have something to say." Shockwave was now looming over me.

  I was shaking hoping he would come out of this rage. Shockwave grabbed me and held me over the casket and made me look at her.

" YOU SHOULD BE IN THERE NOT HER!" I began to cry, why..why didn't he love me?

  I'm all he has left of her aren't I? We look similar and I have her-. I have her optics, but he can't see them...

  " You made me lose her. Now I will let you lose something." Shockwave said darkly evil.

  His fist connected with my visor. The glass smashed inwards. I closed my optics to protect them.

  " SHOCKWAVE!!!!" I felt myself being taken out of Shockwave's grip.

  I felt a servo wiping the glass off my face and once the glass was all gone the person began to rock me. I buried my face into the one holding me. After a bit of rocking I felt opened my optics. Megatron had Shockwave in his grasp yelling at him while Starscream held me.

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