Chapter Twenty-Five: A Mother and A Game

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Hey guys! Pls check out TheWarriorSupreme. Who is new to Wattpad and close friend of mine. So if you like fun and Grimlock go check it out! Thank you and enjoy!

Prima's Profile: 

       I COULDN'T believe it! Dad not only went behind my back and broke a rule! But Starscream defeated me in about three seconds! I slumped to the floor with a sigh. No one really enjoyed having me around because of me loving rules. Micronus was right...I'll never have friends....With a sniffle I began to sob. A flash of light appeared behind me. Warm arms wrapped around me.

        " Hey, sweetie? Are you okay?" Mom's sweet voice asked. 

I gave a gasp and turned around. Mom was there right behind me...and was alive! Soon I was pulled onto her lap and was being rocked. 

          " Darling what's wrong?" Mom asked, turning me helm up to look at her.

          Mom was always beautiful. She was a silver seeker like Starscream but she had this....majestic aroma around her. She stroked my helm lovingly and looked me straight in the optics. Blue into blue. All of the Primes had blue eyes from our mom. 

          " Is it bad...that I love rules?" I asked.

           " Prima. Rules are very important. Without rules we would all be in chaos! Sure a few may not like rules but you keep everything in order and peace. And a LOT of people love that." Mom then nuzzled my helm and kissed it. 

               She then continued to hug me tightly and rock me softly. Mom then proceeded to sing a lullaby, drifting me off to sleep. 

Solus's Profile:

              I sat on my berth looking at two photos. One had Megatronus and me in it, and the other one had me and Onyx in it. But who was in love with? Megatronus or Onyx? I am just so confused. None of the primes are any help and it sometimes sucks being the only girl. With a groan I fell back on my bed. What do I need to do?!

           " Solus?" Onyx was at the door with Megatronus. 

         I SOOO didn't need them right now. I walked up to the door, slammed it shut, and locked the door. I then put their pictures back in my special little chest I owned. I put on some headphones and listened to some music. I was still mad at them. Fighting for me is not okay! Good thing Starscream ran in before anything got ugly. I'll have to thank him for that later. 

        The door shook on its hinges. Were they seriously trying to get in? I threw a pillow at the door. " GO AWAY I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" 

         Then everything went quiet. I took off my headphones and pulled my soft covers over me. I was almost asleep when I heard fighting outside my door. Fabulous....

          I stomped over to the door and threw it open. There on the ground was Megatronus and Onyx fighting. They stopped and looked up at me with scared and guilty optics. I then slammed the door shut, locked it, then jumped onto my bed. WOULD THEY STOP???

         There was then a soft knock at the door. I was about to ignore it when I heard a soft voice. 

       " Solus? Solus dear are you there?" Mother's voice came through the door.

       I gasped in shock. Mom...was back?!

          My phone then dinged.

Mom- You sure sweetie? 

           I stared at the phone. When did she get a phone?!

I'm okay. -Me

Mom- I just worry about you. Boys are in bed btw

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