s e v e n | Sorry About That

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s e v e n | Sorry About That

"I hate animals."

I felt my mouth turn down in an automatic frown at Bernice's statement and she immediately pointed at me. "See? That is what we need to work on today."

Oh. Oh.

"Being neutral?" I guessed and she shook her head.

"In a way. You can't be diplomatic to the point of not being able to state your perspectives and opinions, and we'll get to that. This is neutrality, yes, but more about masking your distaste when people say... less than savory things. Especially when you're surrounded by entitled people who say the most idiotic things. I'd say it's very difficult, Ms. Simmons. I hope we can get it done as per schedule."

Considering the fact that we'd taken a week to cover sitting, I knew I'd have it down according to whatever schedule she had for me.

"Looking forward to it," I smiled expectantly at her.

It was two days after Alexander and I had played hide and seek with his brother and two days since I'd seen him around the castle

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It was two days after Alexander and I had played hide and seek with his brother and two days since I'd seen him around the castle. I was sitting by the fireplace in the television room—I'd started coming here more now, over the last couple of days—with a book I was almost a hundred percent sure I had just nearly memorized when I heard it.

"So you're the future princess?"

I turned at the sound of the unfamiliar voice (and a very familiar accent—it was something I was becoming accustomed to, I realized) and took in the stranger standing at the door, eyeing me with fascination. There was absolutely nothing that stood out to me as shady about him, except the simple fact that almost immediately, I didn't get a very good feeling. And that was before he remarked, "Hmm. Not what I expected but pleasant nonetheless."

Puzzled at his identity and why he was talking to me like I knew him, I settled for, "Excuse me?"

"Either way, red's not my gig. I like my blondes. Sorry, honey."

Was he insane?

Let alone the fact that he was insinuating I cared about whatever his gig was, did he just diss my hair color?

Right, he could just go back to wherever the hell he came from.

"Sorry, who are you?" I asked icily.

"Why, Torrance Barrington at your service," he mock saluted and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.


This wasn't new, a Barrington surprising me with his presence in the castle. At least I liked the last one. "So you're related to Alexander?"

Immediately at the mention of the name, his expression turned sour.

Uh oh.

"He's a cousin of mine," he muttered. "Much to my chagrin."

Right. Okay.

I had my questions, but my bad feeling about this guy became more pressing when he reacted the way he did at Alexander's name. It was a moment of caution. I had no illusion of camaraderie or bonding at the idea that it sounded like he wasn't probably best buddies with Alexander either.

I didn't know him, simple as that.

So I retracted myself from the conversation by just turning back to my book with a, "Nice to meet you."

It seemed he was still in a bad mood after hearing Alexander's name because then he turned that attitude over to me. "Are you honestly studying? You think that'll help you with being a princess?"

Seriously? These were things like when Bellewynn was made a country, knowledge on the population and information about the old towns. It was stuff I should know—like the ABC of what I was going to begin doing.

So really? Yeah.

And I told him as much.

"Right," he sneered, now seemingly ready to be an asshole. "How about you take your books and head back to school? Looks like royalty isn't your thing."

"Torrance," I heard clipped out angrily. Alexander was at the door now, standing firmly behind his cousin and he didn't look too happy.

Oh boy.

"What?" Torrance snapped.

"Leave her alone," he bit out. "Do what you do best and spread misery elsewhere. Can't you see she's fucking busy?"

Well. At least that was... aptly put.

"Go to Simone, she's asking for you," he went on to say. Simone? Was that another Barrington in the castle? At this point, it wouldn't be surprising.

"Whatever," was Torrance's oh-so-brilliant response as he just walked out of the room.



Alexander lingered though, still seeming not very happy. I closed my book as I kept my gaze on him. "Are you okay?"

A firm, terse shake of the head nod was what I got in reply.

Okay. Definite tension still there.

Just like Torrance when I'd mentioned Alexander, I realized. There was more there and I kind of wanted to know about it. For the slightest moment, I wondered what my next move should be, but there wasn't really a choice. I turned back to my book, knowing there was no use bothering him. If he wanted to say something, he'd say it. I had a strong feeling he wasn't big on being pushed to it.

"Sorry about that."

I looked up from my book as my gaze settled on him once more. He was now looking at me with those brilliant blue eyes and seemed to be waiting on an answer, which was jarring in itself.

"It's fine," I shrugged, ever casual about it. And it was. I hadn't gotten a good feeling about the guy the moment he'd spoken and he'd kind of proven it by being an asshole. Dealing with it when people said unsavory things wasn't just a lesson Bernice had started giving me. It was a lesson Alexander gave me right on day one.

The lesson that I'd have opposition with all this, in whatever way or form. It would happen.

So something like this? It was nothing.

A moment and a brisk nod from him later, I was back to being alone by the fire as he turned and walked out the door.

A moment and a brisk nod from him later, I was back to being alone by the fire as he turned and walked out the door

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Have a great week! (:

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