one, three

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He watched her limp and lifeless body for a week. The way her cold blue veins dominated the pale skin of her face sickened him. He watched and waited for days. For a while he would be accompanied by his brothers as he only trusted them as of now. Although they visited when they could he still felt alone. Her presence felt non existent and replaced by her body. The game of waiting felt more like the viewing of a body that they weren't sure was going to awaken.

Her hazelnut eyes never made contact with his own as they sat perched behind their lids. Her mouth hadn't spewed intelligence and ignorance at once in attempt to prove a point. She hadn't even said his name.

The silence in the beige room was deafening and it made him ponder on the future. Him and silences like that never got along. The feeling of his stomach churning at the thought of his only lovers last breath. The last words spoken from her lips. The last chance he'd have to run his fingers through her thin curls as he told her he loved her, and actually meant it.

The silence crept up on him at times he didn't know he needed most. Brandon realized that she was going to leave soon and he couldn't change that. He felt nauseous yet his body was calm. His mind raced yet it only focused on her.

He stared at her and wondered if she could hear his heavy breathing or if she knew of how disheveled he looked. How limp he felt and how dead he looked. If he went to sleep they'd think he was meant to be in the morgue downstairs.

As he sat and stared at the ceiling a new set of tears surfaced his eyes he heard her bed shift and soft groan. Brandons clouded orbs immediately snapped over to her and their eyes finally made contact.

With haste Brandon ran over to the thinning girl and engulfed her into a hug. "Baby, I am so sorry, I didn't mean what I said before, I was just scared," he started

"I wanted to make it seem like I gave up on you so you wouldn't continue to give up on yourself. I would never actually give up on you, you're everything to me and I'd be nothing if I lost you." He let his apologies fall upon her.

She let every word sink in as she stared down at his hands. The ones that comforted her own when she needed it. Hands that would roam every inch of her body like it was familiar yet foreign and hands that gave her that feeling of euphoria that she longed for every time they made contact. His hands carried her to safety from what she could vaguely remember.

For the next six hours her and Brandon spoke about the future, about his career, and most importantly leaving the dingy hospital that housed to two for days on end. The girl resembled her former carefree self. She was acting like she did before she knew she was sick and that made Brandon happy. He felt as if she'd make it, he knew she would.

Upon her awakening her body was hot and she felt like she was capable of anything of any sort. Angie felt cured but she was quite the opposite. Her final burst of energy was kicking in and when the doctors got to her they knew immediately. The small girl ghosting the frame of what used to be Angie didn't have much time left, best case she'd be gone within the night.

She began eating large plates of food and talking a lot more which excited Brandon. "Baby slow down, you're going to get a stomach ache!" He laughed as she rubbed her stomach about to indulge in a vanilla pudding cup.

"I'm hungry, Brandon!" She laughed back but suddenly she grew tired and didn't have an appetite anymore. Her head felt light and she felt bile starting to rise in the back of her throat but she swallowed it believing it to be from the mass amounts of eating. "Never mind, I kinda feel sick."

if I ever fall in love.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon