chapter 1

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He loves her.
Even though they were last together over 70 years ago. He will never forget her smile, her laugh, her sass and careing heart.

But she would be dead. Long gone, like everyone else him and Steve used too know. They're third partner in crime was gone.

"What's got you so troubled Bucky?" He heard from across the room. Natasha looked at him with curiosity. Wondering what was going on in his head.

"Just reliving the past." He said simply. He didn't want to speak her name or mention her at all. That would mean she was truly gone.

Natasha was about to drop it, until Steve opened his mouth across the room.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you Bucky."

That grabbed the attention of all the avengers in the room, which had to be all of them.

'thanks punk' Bucky thought glumly. Not wanting to talk about his one and only lost love.

"Who's this 'her'" Tony said as he came and sat on the couch with the spider boy and Vision.

"No one, Steve has finally lost his mind to old age" Bucky said as he glared at his old friend from the single chair in the corner.

"Bucky, not a day goes by I don't think about her. I know you think about her too." The punk said. Further digging the hole for Bucky.

"Wait, who are you taking about?" Said the spider boy. Peter he thought his name was.

"No one." Bucky ground out and tried to walk away. But the bloody punk was too quick and forced him back down into his chair.

"She was a someone Bucky, we both know that." Bucky glared at his long time best friend, not wanting to approach the topic of her.
"The girl was my sister and Bucky's fiancé. Her name was Elleana, Elle for short."

"Wait, Steve you had a sister. She's not mentioned in your files." Tony said.

"That's because we wanted her off the record for her safety." Steve announced.

"How old was she back then?" Asked Wanda.

"She was almost 22 when we last saw her. She moved in with my aunt in the first year of the war." Steve said. "My aunt lived in the English country side, me and Bucky thought it was wrong choice, since it was so close to the fight. But my aunt needed her help to take care of the children from the cities. The ones that moved there for safety."

"I told her I would help win the war so I could earn her hand in marriage. Steve's aunt was old fashioned." Bucky said with a small smile. Remembering the hope and happiness shining in her eyes and smile after he confessed and in a way, proposed to her.

"Since then she's always been my fiancé." He added, lost in memory.

"Tell us more about her." Natasha said softly.

All the avengers gathered round the Super soldiers. Like children round their grandparents, ready for story time.

Same Old Love (Bucky x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ