it started with a spider|Z.H

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summary: while balancing superhero life and normal life, teenage superhero zach herron suddenly has a new variable swing into his balance. a love life.
pairing: spiderman!

triggers: cursing

disclaimer: this is NOT a direct copy of spiderman homecoming. there will be some parts that mirror the movie, but the dialogue and plot will not be the same. so like don't expect this to be the same as the movie okay i'm glad we got that cleared up lmao

*imagine their secret best friend handshake to be the one peter and ned do in homecoming okay thanks
zach herron was the last person anyone would think to be a superhero.
he was goofy and clumsy, not to mention a bit oblivious at times. he was an outcast in midtown high school, despite his charming personality.
"hey zachy-boy," flash's familiar sneer made itself known, the rosy-cheeked boy letting out a deep sigh. his chocolate brown eyes removed their gaze from the dirty linoleum floor, looking up at flash. he didn't say anything, he knew that opening his mouth would just make it worse.
"what? too scared to say anything? you're such a pussy, heroin," flash scoffed, calling zach by the nickname he had dubbed him. "now get out of my way you little bitch." flash didn't give him any time to move, instead opting to shove zach out of the way and into the lockers.
the laughter of flash and his cronies echoed in zach's ear, and his gaze met the tiles again as he began to scurry to his locker.
zach could feel the gazes from other students locked on his back, the pity and the judgement. the stares he knew all too well.
"zach!" the brown-haired boy jumped, his stride being stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder. zach was whisked around, now facing his stopper.
"what do you want corbyn?" zach didn't mean to sound irritated when talking to his best friend, but it simply came out that way. zach was having a very shitty day. he turned away and began walking to his locker again, corbyn jogging beside him to keep up.
"geez, what has your panties in a twist? was it flash again?" corbyn's jogging came to a halt, slowing down to a casual walk.
"when is it not flash?" zach grumbled, finally arriving at his locker and putting his combination in. he opened it, the door of the locker slamming into the others, creating a resounding bang.
zach put his math textbook back into the locker, using the other hand to retrieve his ap chemistry textbook as corbyn kept talking.
"i'm sorry dude, you have to start defending yourself against him though. you can't keep letting him push you around like this," corbyn's voice softened, but zach didn't respond. "here, i know what'll make you feel better. wanna play fortnite later?" zach perked up at the mention of his favorite video game.
"sure! do you wanna come over to mine? i can have aunt may pick up some pizza and i just got this dope new skin-" zach's smile began to grow as his ramblings went on.
"you had me at pizza dude. i'll be there at 7." corbyn replied. zach finished retrieving his supplies, and turned back around to face his best friend.
"i'll see you then." zach and corbyn did their secret best friend handshake, before corbyn ran off to his calculus class.
zach took in a deep breath before closing his locker, beginning to walk towards his ap chemistry class. he located the classroom in no time, taking his seat in the back of the room.
an array of beakers and lab equipment laid before him, signaling that they were going to be doing a lab in class. his eyes trailed up to the clock on the wall, seeing that he was a minute or two early for class.
he pulled out his notebook, retrieving a pencil from the front pocket of his backpack. he quickly flipped to a page titled "web fluid", and the numbers and elements began working in his brain.
he scribbled down notes, remembering how his fluid had performed the last time he had used it and how he could improve it.
ideas flew through his head in a pace so rapid his hands could barely keep up.
maybe if i switch up this with this then the structural integrity will-
zach's thoughts were cut off by someone sitting next to him, and he quickly closed his notebook. his eyes flew to the figure that sat next to him, and he simultaneously relaxed and tensed up when seeing who it was.
"hey zach!" y/n's melodic voice rang out, sending a shiver down his spine.
"h-hi y/n," zach's cheeks flushed a deeper red, and he turned the other way. y/n y/l/n was the only person in the entire world who made him feel this way.
she was the epitome of perfect to zach. from the way her hair bounced as she walked through the hallways to the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. she was completely, utterly, perfect.
and to his luck, she was assigned to be his lab partner for the entire school year.
y/n took no notice of zach's flustered expression, pulling out her notebook and a pencil.
"how are you?" y/n asked, a soft smile still painted on her face as she flipped to a blank page in her notebook.
"i'm doing-" so much better now that i'm here with you. "-good! how are you today?" zach responded, gaining his composure back.
"i'm good." she shot him another stunning smile. "so zach, i was wondering-"
"okay class," y/n was cut off by the sound of mrs. schwartz's voice, the teacher's heels clacking on the linoleoum as she strolled into the classroom. "today we'll be doing a lab." mrs. schwartz began to explain the lab, taking a whiteboard marker and beginning to draw out diagrams and instructions.
"what were you going to say?" zach whispered, his eyes flickering from the board to y/n.
"i'll tell you later." she responded, beginning to copy down mrs. schwartz's words into her notebook.
his mind couldn't seem to focus on whatever bullshit mrs. schwartz was spewing, instead focusing on the fact that y/n y/l/n had something to tell him.
"-you guys have until the end of the period to complete the lab, and your lab reports will be due next week. get to work." with that mrs. schwartz sat down at her desk, beginning to grade papers or whatever teachers did as the class began to work.
y/n and zach got to work, beginning to measure and add components to their mixture. his mind worked quickly, working out equations and elements in his brain.
soon enough, class was over and y/n and zach were left with a perfect experiment and a half-written lab report.
zach stuffed his notebook and pencils in his backpack, beginning to make his way out of the classroom when he felt a soft hand grab his arm. he spun around, seeing that the hand that had grabbed him belonged to none other than y/n.
"hey, i never got to ask you that thing earlier," she started, and zach's pulse began to pick up.
"oh yeah, what was it?" he managed to choke out, sounding at least semi-cool while doing so.
"so i'm throwing this party at my house tomorrow," she bit her lip, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. "and i was wondering if you wanted to come?" zach's heart stopped.
holy fucking shit. y/n y/l/n just invited me to one of her parties.
y/n's face faultered at his pause. "i know parties really aren't your thing but i just thought it'd be fun if you could come but you don't have to if you don't want to i-" she began to ramble, her face turning a shade of crimson.
"n-no! i-" he cleared his throat. "i'd love to go." y/n's face lit up at his response. a wide smile spread across her gorgeous features, setting zach's stomach into a flurry of butterflies.
"cool! i'll text you the address-" she paused. "wait, i don't have your number." she pulled her iphone out of her back pocket. "put your number in."
zach gingerly took her phone, shakily typing in his number into a new contact. he handed her back the phone, and she happily saved his contact with the name 'zach :)'.
"i'll text you tonight! see you tomorrow zach." with a smile and a wave, y/n began to walk out of the room, leaving zach stuck in his tracks. "oh!" she turned back around. "bring corbyn too, my friend christina thinks he's cute and i think it'd be fun to have him there." with a final grin she walked out of the room, zach left practically starstruck.
i was just invited to a party by y/n.
his heart raced at the realization, and a grin spread across his face so wide it hurt. zach nearly whooped out loud, and he pumped his fist in the air.
he practically sprinted out of school, taking a quick look to make sure no one was around before leaping over the front gate to the school, doing a front flip before landing.
he could barely contain his excitement, running to his special alleyway and beginning to change out of his school clothes to his spiderman suit.
he stumbled over his feet a few times, accidentally hitting his funny bone on the dumpster. zach let out a short yelp, his feet tangling together. he nearly fell over, but managed to stay on his feet.
he slipped his feet into the legs of the suit, pulling the fabric over his boxers and bare torso. he quickly slid his arms into their respective places, pulling the suit until it loosely covered everything but his head.
zach pressed onto the spider icon on the chest of his suit, and the fabric immediately shrunk to perfectly fit his body.
it's go time.
zach quickly tossed his backpack into the air, webbing it to stick to a brick wall in the alley. with a final jump into the air, zach pulled on his mask and began to swing through the air.
time to be a friendly neighborhood spiderman.
"and some nice old lady bought me a churro!" zach said, taking another bite of said churro. he was on his daily phone call with happy hogan, who was mr, stark's right hand man.
zach was currently sitting on the fire escape of his apartment building, still clad in his spiderman suit. his mask was off of course, so he could eat the churro without the fabric getting in the way.
zach always called happy every day to update him on what he had done that day, from stopping bike robberies to helping cats out of trees. he thought that maybe, there was the smallest possibility that happy would see what good he was doing, and call him for a mission.
of course, that was a very, very slim chance.
"anyway, i hope you listen to these, because if you didn't it'd be a waste of time," zach paused. "well, if there are any missions you need me on, i'll be there in a millisecond. have a nice day happy." and with that zach ended the message, staring at his phone as he finished his churro.
he dusted off his hands, balling up the wrapper to his churro and tossing it off the balcony, the wax paper landing a couple streets away. zach shrugged and began to climb down the fire escape to his bedroom window, trying as silently as possible to open up the window.
he managed to open to window, climbing in and carefully shutting it. he crawled onto the wall, making his way across the ceiling to where his bedroom door was, the door wide open. zach skillfully closed the door, sighing in relief as he heard it click shut.
he began to crawl over to his bed, when he heard the sound of an xbox controller hit the floor. zach's heart stopped, and he slowly looked over to meet the wide, azure eyes of corbyn.
zach immediately fell off the ceiling, landing on his feet.
"y-you're spiderman," corbyn stuttered, not even caring that his fortnite character had just been killed. "you're that superhero on youtube," corbyn's brain could barely comprehend the fact that his clumsy, goofy, awkward bestfriend was motherfucking spiderman.
"n-no i'm not!" zach said, hitting the spider icon on his chest. his suit loosened, falling off of his body as he quickly kicked it off. "i'm not spiderman!"
"you were on the ceiling," corbyn exclaimed, his eyes widening even more. "the fucking ceiling! you're fucking spiderman!"
zach sighed, deciding to accept the fact that corbyn now knew his biggest secret. he stayed silent, allowing his best friend to soak in the new information.
"my best friend is a superhero," corbyn breathed out, plopping himself down on zach's bed. "a superhero." his eyes widened again. "wait, how did this even happen?"
zach let out a breathe, walking over to his dresser and pulling out a random t-shirt. he pulled the fabric on, also taking out a pair of joggers and putting them on. he then walked back over to where corbyn was sitting and flopped down next to him.
"i guess it all started with this spider...

2270 words 🦁🧶

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