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      Evelyn Grace sat on the bench beside the bus-stop sign and looked about the streets, enjoying how serene the city was. She often wondered if you could even call Orkney a city.

     With its calm and welcoming atmosphere, it contradicted everything a city was perceived to be in Evelyn’s mind. She considered it more of a sleepy town, much like River Heights from the Nancy Drew mysteries; Except, nothing interesting ever seemed to happen in Orkney. Evelyn smiled, remembering how she used to pretend to be Nancy Drew with her best friend as a child. They would wander about the streets, trying to find a mystery to solve.

    She giggled, recalling how much trouble she and Colton had gotten into when they tried to solve “the mystery of the disappearing muffins” at old Mrs. Fulton’s bakery. They snuck into the bakery after Mrs. Fulton had left and began searching for clues, that is until the people who lived above the bakery heard Evelyn knock a cookie jar off of the counter while trying to get a snack. Long story short, the police were called and the two children were grounded for an entire month.

    Evelyn stopped reminiscing when she heard the large grey bus screeching to a halt in front of her. She rubbed her ringing ears and climbed inside, dropping her fare into the box as she did so. She scanned the vehicle for a seat, finding one near the back of the bus next to an elderly man. She smiled as she sat next to him. He smiled back at her with startling white teeth.

    Apart from his extremely pearly whites, he looked to be a normal old man. His thinning yellow-white hair was neatly combed with a few strands covering- well, barely covering- a bald spot. He was wearing a diamond patterned sweater, khaki pants, and some scuffed-up loafers. He reminded Evelyn of her grandfather.

“Good morning! How are you today?” Evelyn chirped brightly.

    The old man looked somewhat surprised that she had spoken to him. It came as no surprise to Evelyn when she got this reaction, she was sure that most of the youth around here were somewhat disrespectful and rude- at least, the ones she encountered on a daily basis were.

    He gave her another blinding smile and replied in a guttural voice, “I am good, young lady, and you?”

“I'm good, can’t complain.”

    She and the elderly gentleman, whose name she found out to be Martin, continued to converse. She found out that he was taking the bus to the retirement home to visit his little brother, Peter, who had suffered a stroke eight months ago. He was the last family that Martin had as his wife passed away during childbirth and his son, whom he had raised with Peter’s help, moved to Wyoming and had absolutely nothing to do with either of them.

    Evelyn listened sympathetically as Martin told her his story. Hearing the old man’s voice crack and try to fight back tears while talking about his wife’s death, his brother’s ailment, and son’s abandonment of him was enough to make her want to shed a few tears herself. She hugged him and tried to give him some reassurance and comfort.

“I'm sure he’ll come to his senses and come back. Just be patient.” Evelyn said, gently patting his hand.

    He rubbed his nose, a nervous habit, Evelyn guessed, and smiled, “I hope you're right. Maybe you can accompany me to the old folks’ home one day and meet Peter, eh?”

    She smiled softly, “I would love to. I'm not busy Friday, maybe we can see him then.”

“Sounds great. Can’t wait.” There were those pearly whites again.

    Evelyn wondered whether he was hitting on her or he was just being sweet and trying to make a friend. She decided he was just a lonely old man who needed someone to talk to. Evelyn was more than happy to listen to him. She loved helping people and lifting their spirits.

    Martin chattered excitedly about the memories he had made with his brother. Evelyn gave him her undivided attention until the bus stopped at his destination and he had to get off.

    They exchanged their goodbyes. Martin made his way to the bus exit and to the entrance of the retirement home. He turned around a waved to Evelyn before walking in. She smiled softly and waved back as the bus began pulling away from the bus stop.

    She leaned back into her seat and sighed quietly. College. She was actually going to her first day of college. Evelyn didn't know if her stomach was twisting in angst or excitement. Maybe both. She just hoped that it would go well for her.

     So many things could go wrong. The teachers could be rude. She could get in trouble for being unprepared, or at least that's what her highschool teachers would tell her class every time someone would ask for a pencil. What if she got kicked out?

      She shook her head. She wouldn't allow her mind to stress about the what ifs. Her first day of college should be exciting. She could meet new people and make some new friends. She would get to learn about new things and explore things she's already learned on a different level.

       Unfortunately, Colton had decided to go to a different college from her. It was okay though. He was more interested in technology and teaching others than he was in the arts, which was what Evelyn was going to study.

        She was ready to see Colton again, even though she had just seen him two days ago. Good thing for her they had decided on hanging out after they finished their classes today. She couldn't wait to hear about his first day and tell him about hers.

          She pulled her phone out of her purse and texted him a 'good morning.' He replied back almost instantly, returning her greeting. The conversation lasted a few minutes before Colton had to get to his lecture. They wished each other luck and ended it there. Just as well, the bus pulled up to the gates of Tollhouse University.

          Evelyn stepped off of the bus and stared at the campus in awe. She had forgotten how big it was. The large marble building was intimidating, no doubt, but she was way too excited to be anxious.

"Its now or never..." She thought to herself, smiling. She pulled out her schedule and map from her bag then walked though the iron gates, making her way to her first class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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