"I felt that," Titan groaned. Touching his cheek, he was shocked to discover blood. "But my time in the Shadowverse granted me a new and increasingly useful ability."

"And what might that be?!"

"Fear will now envelop your very being." Titan reached out and telekinetically grasped Sonovan by the throat. He tried to escape the grasp, but it was no use. Now in control, Titan dragged Sonovan toward his arms. His throat landed in Titan's hand. "If you can only know how long I have waited."

It was now his turn. Titan kneed Sonovan in the gut before throwing him in the air. On his way down, he fell straight onto the hilt of Titan's sword. Sonovan had prepared for this, shifting his own sword into a defensive position, that partially protected him from the full power of Titan's brute strength.

A thunderous, bone-chilling bang resonated as the hilt of Titan's sword hit the Vorson Sword's blade. The strike sent Sonovan tearing through the air before smashing into the wall. But Titan had not finished. He raised his arm again and brought Sonovan back before flinging him into the wall once more, knocking the warrior unconscious.

After fifteen minutes, Sonovan awoke from his unconscious state. He sat up with difficulty, the pain swelling. Something must have been broken. Yet he quickly healed due to his pure Ooris, and the pain slowly subsided.

Yet, Titan had waited for him to awaken, standing only a short distance away. "You could never fully understand my machinations, Sonovan. As I conveyed to you all those years ago, your world teeters on the edge, unaware its Justification draws near. And through your failure, I will discover an infinite number of worlds—worlds that will be forever changed and forever justified in the sight of the creator."

"Earth is your next target," Sonovan realized.

"No, it is not," Titan answered. "I am sure it will be centuries before I claim Earth for myself. My primary mission is to rebuild the Tetra. Then, and only then, will I bring Earth under my command. Unless it is the key that I have searched for since the beginning of my quest."

Frowning in wonder, Sonovan replied, "What key?"

Titan laughed sinisterly. "Given who I am talking to, I will keep that information to myself."

"I will fight you, no matter the cost."

"Actually, you will not. I have a backup plan for that. Solis!"

The armored Voir strode in. In his arms was an unconscious Aiko. Sonovan's eyes filled with fear and hatred. He could not let them commit this horrific act. "No! Please . . . she is innocent! Take me instead! Do it! Snap me in half! Subject me to torture! But do not hurt her!"

"No, Sonovan. I will not. This is your penance. I want so badly to kill you, but because of who I am, I won't. Your plea for torture is rejected. You see, bodily torment and execution would end your suffering. But torment of the mind—of the soul—that is the greatest and most effective mode of lasting anguish. I know you feel hatred. I felt it during all of those years imprisoned—but not anymore. Revenge is mine, and mine alone. And today, I will receive my due."

"Please! Please, I will do whatever you ask," the broken hero begged. His heart began to race. He feared the worst. Was this the end?

Titan's voice took on a deeper tone. "How quickly you change! One moment you will fight me no matter what, the next you beg for mercy. I am afraid there will be no debate." With that, Titan pushed Sonovan into the wall. "And now, your hell begins." Titan laughed. "And you thought you were a legend. How naïve."

In one swift motion, Aiko's soft and fragile neck was snapped. She was murdered in her sleep. "No! No! No!" screamed Sonovan. He wailed as he ran to her. "Aiko, please! No! What have you done?!"

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