Chapter 34/35 (cuz I messed up)

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Jaiya left the room and I threw my head back on my pillow, exhausted from the exchange. My arms hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt, not to mention my heart hurt just as much. I felt terrible about what I had said to Demi and I knew I totally overreacted, but there was no way I could take it back now.

Almost as if she had read my mind, there was a knock at the door. I sprang up in the bed a little too quickly and simultaneously heard a snap below me. Motherfucking cheap hospital bedsprings. If I ever get out of here I'm getting Demi to donate enough money to at least buy some cool ass bunk beds from IKEA.

"Robyn?" Of course it was Demi.

"Demi! You came back!" I said, relieved. "I'm SOOO so sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it at-"

"Rob! No it's okay, I'm sorry too. It was stupid of me to tell the family without consulting you first. I should have known you would have reacted that way. I would have too, if I was in your shoes. I wasn't thinking about your feelings."

"No seriously, it was my fault," I insisted. "I'm actually happy you told your family, because now I don't have to do it myself. Can we just...forget about this whole thing and hug it out?"

Demi smiled widely. "I like that idea," she agreed, coming in for a bear hug.

Right before she got to me, I stopped her. "Wait! Did you tell Bea too? Like, about my problems?"

"No, actually, I didn't. Fortunately for you. I figured I should at least let you decide what you want to do about that. Obviously it's your decision if you want to keep this to yourself."

Reading Demi's face, I could easily tell what she wanted me to do, and even though I didn't really wanna do it, I knew it was best for me. "You know what, Demi? I think I'll tell Bea. She's been such an amazing friend that she honestly deserves to know everything. Anyways, it shouldn't be something that I am ashamed about, right?"

Immediately, I could tell I had said the right thing. The gigantic smile on Demi's face made it clear enough. "I've trained you well, haven't I?" she laughed. "I'm proud of you, baby girl. I really am so proud of you. I love you so much."

"Thanks Demi, I love you too. Now where's my hug?" And then, clearly, we hugged it out like the cool kids we were.

"Now, it's okay if you're not quite ready yet, but I'm under the impression that there's a certain beautiful bleached blonde girl waiting outside this room to see you. Are you..."

"Fuck it, bring her in," I interrupted. "I mean, I don't have a speech prepared or anything, but....YOLO right?"

"That's my girl!" Demi cheered. "I'll see you later, okay? I'll bring in the rest of the family too, when you're done with Bea. The doctors say you should be able to leave by tomorrow at the latest."

With that, Demi left the room and Bea came hurtling in, screaming her head off.

"ROBYN YOU BITCH YOU FUCKING SCARED ME YOU IDIOT!" she yelled, bouncing onto my bed and grabbing me into a death grip (more commonly known as a very tight hug). "Don't EVER do that to me again, you promise?"

"Hoe, you weren't the one fainting on the bathroom floor, that was fucking ME okay, you should feel bad for me!" I joked. "But seriously, I'm so happy you came. Thanks for visiting, babe."

"Ooh, we're calling each other babe now? I didn't think we were THAT far into our relationship," Bea replied teasingly, bopping me on the nose.

"Oh, shut up, BABE. You know you like it."

"Okay, okay, I do. I admit it. But actually, you're lucky I love you. It was a pretty dramatic day getting here. The dumb receptionist wouldn't tell me what room you were in because apparently I actually have to be related to you, and "it's complicated" isn't a good enough relation. I mean, it's fucking good enough for FaceBook, who knew it wouldn't work at the hospital?"

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