Chapter 28

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3:00 PM, finally out of this shithole! God, I swear today was the most boring day of my life. Detention was awful. The whole "going to school" thing was totally not working for me, I'm sorry. Ugh, and I was still supposed to go check out that cheer thing before I left. I made my way to my locker, battling against the slightly claustrophobia inducing crowd of children desperate to get out. As I spun my locker combination, someone jostled me on my left, and I looked over as their locker door slammed.

"Oh! Bea!" I exclaimed, quickly recognizing her bleached hair and Nirvana teeshirt. A wave of nervousness washed over me when I met her eyes. I tried to push it away.

"Oh hey, Robyn! We're locker buddies, what a lucky coincidence!" Bea said, but an undertone in her voice told me that it hadn't been much of a case of luck. "Or maybe I bribed the principal by doing extra paperwork for him.....or, you know...something like that..." she admitted in a low voice.

"There's always that possibility," I agreed, laughing. "Can't blame you for not being able to resist the fabulous R-vato." I flipped my hair and winked.

"Well, sue me. Just wanted to make sure my little Robs is okay," Bea said in a baby voice, poking the tip of my nose. "And from what I heard, you aren't. Apparently you already landed yourself in detention!"

I shrugged. "You may or may not be correct, yes."

"You little rebel, you," Bea scolded. "Not setting a very good reputation for yourself, are you now. I trained you well! High five!" Bea shouted, and we slapped our palms together so hard that we both teared up a little, wringing our stinging hands out.

"Mkay," I said regretfully, grabbing all the textbooks I would need for homework tonight (yep, homework on my first day. Scandalous, I know!) and closing my locker. "I've gotta go over to that cheer place, Maddie's making me check it out.

"Really? I didn't know you were into that," Bea said, raising her eyebrows.

"Neither did I," I replied, shaking my head.

"No worries, you'll be fine," she assured.

I said goodbye and headed to the front of the school, where I waited for Maddie to walk me to the gym like she'd promised. She appeared a few minutes later.

"Dude, Demi is sooooo pissed," Maddie warned. "Prepare yourself and check your texts and Twitter now, because you can bet she'll be taking your phone away."

"Fabulous," I sighed. "We're screwed. At least we're not going home yet. We're spared for another few hours."

Maddie snorted. "We're screwed? Try, 'you're screwed', because you're all on your own with this one, sister!"

I groaned. The last thing I wanted was for my idol/adoptive mother to be mad at me, but I swear it wasn't my fault! I seriously just can't help moving around in class; there's no way for me to stop it. "Let's get going then," I suggested, changing the topic.

We set off towards the other end of the street, where the cheer gym awaited us. All too soon, Madison was excitedly opening the door to the large brick building with a mural of a large hair bow and the caption CHEERING HEARTS on the outside, and pushing me inside.

I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the bright lights and...was that glitter all over the walls? Yep. The walls were literally plastered with glitter so bright I had to squint for a few seconds before I got used to it. A large blue sprung floor lay ahead of me, ribbons and signs proclaiming things like "All Star Nationals: Seniors Level 4.2-1st Place" and "Texas Championships: Best Music" littered the walls, and at the other end of the gym were large and mini trampolines, a long TumbleTrak with a foam pit at the end, and, packed in one corner, all sorts of differently shaped mats and landing pads and other things to make painful landings slightly less so. This reminded me so much of my old gymnastics gym, somewhere I used to spend all my free time before I quit due to hectic family life.

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