"sucks to be you" sooji said, walking down the stairs.

haruto turned his head to look at her the second he heard her soft voice. his eyes widened as she scanned her look, a wide smile is plastered on his face.

 his eyes widened as she scanned her look, a wide smile is plastered on his face

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(sooji ^^)

haruto stood up, spreading his arms as if expecting a hug, "happy birthday babe"

sooji laughed and gave him a bear hug. but haruto being a god with long legs, sooji's face got buried in his chest.

mrs. kang giggled at the scene. sooho faked a cough, interrupting the two, "bring her home at 10. no extensions"


they both reached gocheok at 4. fans are already lining up. haruto is wearing a black mask, making him stand out more.

sooji tugged haruto's sleeve, "haruto, i want that baejin banner"

"stay here, i'll get one for you" before sooji could react, haruto already walked away.

"is that haruto watanabe?"

"the japanese guy from yg treasure box?"

"what is he doing here?"

sooji turned to look at the group of daniel stans. they are pointing at haruto who is currently getting the baejin banner for her.

in just a snap, haruto got surrounded by groups of fans. wearing a mask in this situation is pointless. he looked around to search for sooji.

"haruto, what are you doing here?"

"are you a wannable?"

the fans began flooding him with questions. "i'm here with my sooji" he answered, mouthing an "excuse me" as he exited the scene to look for her.

everyone's eyes were on him as he walked towards sooji. some are looking at them with heart eyes while taking pictures, while some are lowkey wishing to be sooji.

"take off your mask now. everyone knows you already" sooji said as he gave her the banner.

haruto shook his head, "only my sooji can see this handsome haruto"


they both located their seats. sooho gave them a good spot in the vip area. haruto and sooji sat beside each other. the fans around them are still staring.

"what's in that paper bag?" sooji asked, referring to the black paper bag on haruto's hands.

haruto brought out a box that is inside the bag. sooji gasped, "is that a nable bong?"

haruto replied with a laugh. as if on cue, the lights went out, signalling that the concert is about to start.

(i have no clue about the lineup of the concert sorry)

the fans went wild when "burn it up" started playing. sooji jammed along, "d-i double f-e-r-e-n-t teoteuryeo nan like a boom boom pow"

everyone got wilder when the chorus part started. "burn it up!" sooji yelled the lyrics. just when kang daniel is about to lift his shirt up to reveal his abs, a hand covered sooji's eyes.

"haruto! get your hands off me!" sooji groaned, trying to get rid of haruto's hand but to no avail.

the whole song ended and sooji didn't see anything. "i hate you" sooji muttered.

haruto laughed at her, "i'll let you see my abs, don't worry"

numerous performances had passed and sooji enjoyed each of them. of course, she's been with these guys since broduce so she knows all of their songs.

the spotlight was focused on jihoon. he's having a solo stage. at first, jihoon is just dancing. but everyone went hysterical when jihoon took off his clothes, revealing his abs.

"what the heck, haruto. let me see" she slapped his hand away for the second time but he just stayed like that until the solo stage is over.

"you're dead when we get outside" sooji muttered under her breath. haruto just laughed at her.


they exited the venue right after the concert ended. the atmosphere is filled with sooji's sobs while they are sitting on the bus stop.

"yah, i have wiped your tears for the nth time already. stop crying" haruto half yelled.

sooji cried even harder, "i'll miss those guys" she broke down crying. haruto used his thumb to wipe her tears.

the bus stopped in front of them. haruto is about to make his way to the bus when sooji stopped him, "this isn't the ride home"

haruto laughed, "who said we're going home already?"

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