Chapter one

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The group rushed to Chiron who instantly noticed their haste and walked to the big house with the. When in the centuars office they repeated the prophesy and also explained Percy's situation. Chiron wasn't the least bit happy at what he was hearing.

"While I have never once said this to any camper, and especially didn't expect the first to be a son of one of the big three, however I believe that it just might be safer for you to leave the camp. Any of you may follow him, however stagger your leaving times, because I know that if the other campers find out there will be an uproar," Chiron says to the group of demi-gods, plus Racheal.

"Where would I go? I know that only those in this room would actually notice me missing, but there is still patrol," Percy says and Chiron nods.

"Percy, you have the water. Send a message to your father and head down to Atlantis. Poseidon will want to know of this new prophesy. Especially the part about the creature of legend, he will be able to help. For the rest of you, figure out ways to leave without suspicions arising among campers. You might also want to figure out a place to meet, I can only wish you all the best of luck," Chiron states.

They all leave his office and head to the Poseidon cabin as it was one of the few cabins empty. Celebrations were still going on as they went around the edge of the party. Once in the cabin everyone found a seat.

Nico and Will took the love seat that was really only ever used by them. Leo sat on the beanbag that was on the floor next to the couch Jason and Piper had decided to sit on. Rachael took the hammock and was laying down in that. Frank and Hazel had taken the other couch, leaving Percy with the arm chair that he always sat in anyways.

"Percy is obviously going to be the first to leave, who goes after him?" Piper said looking at the group of seven in front of her.

"School starts up again soon, everyone knows that I was planning on moving to new Rome for collage, and Racheal has school anyways so we should be the last. I could pretend to be taking her home as a way to explain why we would leave together," Will states and Racheal made a noise of agreement along with a thumbs up for a visual reference.

"Hades has been wanting Hazel and I to go to the underworld for a while so we can leave under that pretense. We can travel to the underworld, get Dad's help and then meet at where ever we are deciding to meet," Nico said, Hazel nodding her head at that.

"I can say that my family want me home before school starts up again and leave then," Leo states and everyone nods before looking over at Frank, Jason and Piper.

"My Grandmother has been wanting me home for a few days. After that I can meet up with you all," Frank says.

"Piper has been wanting me to meet her dad so we can go do that and then meet up with you," Jason said and Piper smiled happily.

"Where are we meeting?" Leo finally asking the question they all wanted to hear.

"Our arrivals will definitely be at different times so we will need a place for those who arrive can actually live there for maybe a few days or a week until we all get there," Will said and a idea came to Percy.

"My dad, Poseidon, gave me a six bedroom house in Athens that we can use, though its more of a mansion, we all have ways of getting there as well. I'm sure we can figure something out with sleeping arrangements due to the three couples in this group," Percy said. Making pointed looks at said couples.

"Okay, that works, we'll all make our way out and then meet at Percy's... mansion... whenever we can." Will says still sort of taking in the fact Percy has a mansion as he talks. "We can figure the rest out from there."

There was a collective vote of agreement on the plans before the group decended into talking about random things and also sharing stories that they hadn't shared quite yet. As the night went on everyone slowly went back to their own cabins and to their own beds. Percy however just laid awake in his bed for a couple of hours.

He had been wanting to go to Atlantis and see his godly family anyways, along with seeing how the rebuilding had gone. He hadn't thought it would be under these circumstances but fate had its ways. But he was still so unsure of what that last line of the prophesy actually meant, that fate wasn't quite finished yet, he hoped it was nothing sinister.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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