chapter four

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chapter four

zee’s pov (yes, i am still in this poo!)

“. . . The hell?!” I yelled out in shock as I stared at the odd pair. The boy said something, but it was muffled by the tape on his mouth.

The woman just stared at me blankly, with her one eye and to be honest that creeped the hell out of me. I mean if you happened to bust inside a place and saw a woman with half her face—that rhymed, I am a poet!—I’m pretty sure you would freak out also.

“Uh, excuse me, but what the fuck is going on here?! Is this some type of creepy sex trade?” Someone should make a Vine out of my recation, they would be very Vine famous. Anyways, the blonde boy struggled against the binds and I decided to take a step forward, taking my trusty pocket knife out of my boot.

She groaned and I stopped for a second. I stared at her face. “Insane Iridesa? It’s been ages girl!”

She half-smiled and groaned again. The boy just stopped and stared at us strangely.

“How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you since, I was about 7!” I smiled at her. When I was younger, Iridesa, had taken me from home. I was scared and a bit freaked out, but it turned out that she only wanted a friend.

She groaned and I nodded. She said that she was fine and that she got lonely again and wanted a friend, so she took the blonde-haired boy named Niall.

“Oi, why didn’t you come get me? I would’ve been a blast! Not this silly boy! Untie him, so he can go home and I know you’ve probably got a goon working for you, so take him out.” She groaned and untied the boy. If you’re wondering, she sadly agreed.

“What the bloody hell?!” Niall screamed after I ripped the tape off of his mouth.

“You’re free to go,” I tell him, ignoring his previous reaction. He stood up and rubbed his wrists, before bolting.

I whistled. “Man was he glad to get out of here. Hey, Iridesa, want to go get some waffles?”

She groaned a yes and then we skipped out of the creepy house that she lived in.


I am sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long! but, if you like this chapter and vote and comment, i will update faster!

Anyways, there will be a lot of surprising things coming up later and this is a short story, so just like a couple more chapters and BAM! this book is over with. so, this chapter was really random and i wrote what was on the top of my head and then this happened.

remember vote, comment, and all that jazz.

-zee (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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