Chapter One

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The caretaker shoveled the last bit of dirt on her grave

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The caretaker shoveled the last bit of dirt on her grave. It wasn't until Samuel heard the last grain drop, did his wounded hip finally give out and he fell to his knees. Silent tears punished his cheeks with a relentless assault of grief for his lost love. There was no stone for her yet, the mason promised it would be complete in a matter of days. Until then, the Winchester Prince laid a garland of her favorite wildflowers atop the mound of damp, dark soil that marked her final resting place.

All the mourners had since left, for which he was eternally grateful. He needed time alone, to say goodbye to Jessica. Sam wanted to remember how soft her blonde curls felt, like locks of silk as they trailed between his fingers; how blue her eyes could be, and just how her smile had become the sun in his sky.

From above, a clap of thunder shook the ground and warned of the storm's arrival that had been threatening all day. Samuel Winchester did not care. He refused to leave until he remembered every bit of her—her melodious voice, the way she laughed, but mostly, the way she kissed him. No one would ever be able to kiss him the way Jessica had. She was an angel that walked the Earth, and for a short time, he was blessed enough to love her.

Until Crowley took her away for good.

Now, he'd never see her face again. Never touch her or smell her skin. He would be alone for eternity until he took his last breath and could be reunited with her in the afterlife. No one could ever capture his heart again; for now, it was just as black as the eyes of the demon who took her life.

A guttural scream wanted to burst from his mouth, but from the depths of his soul, he found the restraint to shove it back down.

"Save it," he mumbled to himself, "you're going to need it."

As the rain started to fall, Sam used his cane that lay beside him to boost himself back up to his feet. He closed his eyes, turned his face up to the clouds and let their showers cleanse him of the dirt and despair that had enveloped him. When he looked back down at the wildflowers, his long hair hung wet around his face. He closed his eyes and the last, happy image, he held of Jessica lingered behind them.

The corner of Sam's mouth twitched into a smile. His cheek dimpled, something she loved so much about him.

"For you, my love," he whispered. "One last smile for you. I am going to leave you at peace. I have things to do and when they're done, if I'm lucky enough, I will get to see you in Heaven. Then we will never be separated again."

His voice cracked, and he stifled the tears that once again threated to fall. Leaving his despair, along with the wildflowers, he turned and hobbled his way back towards his father's estate. Sam had many plans to make and no time to spare in making them.

The MacLeod Castle sat high above the jagged cliffs and raging sea. It was a fitting place for a ruler such as Crowley and his dark reputation. No one could ever really recount as to when he came to power, it was a debate that raged in all the local taverns for many years, and still, there was never a definitive answer.

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