Chapter Ten

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The days following the party were passing slowly. Bobby and Pamela tried to devise a plan of action, and once they felt good about where you and Sam should go, the Rift Storm made it impossible to leave the hut. On the third day, Bobby felt safe enough to travel back to the castle to see how much fallout there was, and if the King was still standing.

On the morning of the fourth day, you woke to find your husband, conferring with Pamela outside the hut, speaking in hushed voices. You knew how scared Sam was for your well being, but as much as he tried to hide it, he had concern for his father as well. The impulse to eavesdrop on their conversation was strong, but the love you had for Sam was enough to trust that their conversation was not meant for your ears, so you went into the small area Pamela used as a kitchen.

Putting the old, cast iron kettle to the fire, you went about fixing some herbal tea to hopefully calm your unsettled stomach. Unsure if it was from the stress of the situation, or the baby that grew inside you, either way you knew that traveling by horseback would make it worse if you didn't do something to try and calm it. The night before, you and Sam had gathered the few things Pamela had given you for supplies, and prepared it all to leave that day. Pamela and Bobby knew of a place, well hidden in the Elven Woods, that you could call home for the time being. Pamela's impatience to once again move locations was growing stronger, and she made no attempt to hide it from either of you.

When the kettle was ready, you sat at the same table where she had read you days before. As the scalding water slowly poured into the teapot, Sam and Pamela made their way inside, and smiled when they saw you making the tea.

"Sure you're not a psychic yourself?" Pamela asked and groped to find the chair to pull out and sit down.

"I wish," you mused and began to share the tea into cups as Sam came around to you, lovingly kissed the top of your head, and took the seat beside you. "My stomach is queasy, thought this would help before we have to leave. This tea seems to help."

"I made sure you had some in your pack," Pamela smiled and gratefully took the tea that you guided towards her hands. "You should have everything you need in there. But, that area of the woods should have a lot growing wild you could use. Berries, herbs, mushrooms, along with some very poisonous roots, so–"

"Be careful," you finished for her. "I know, I've made sure to know my herbs. Well, Rowena made sure I learned them."

Pamela grunted a sigh and sipped at her tea. "Yes, Rowena. I know she's your grandmother, but, Y/N, you know that she is a witch who's magic isn't always on the up and up. Trusting her..."

"Oh, I know that, too. Despite her being relatively kind to me over the years, I can sense her darkness. I know she and my father despise each other. But that doesn't mean I would trust her outright. She'll help me as long as there isn't a higher purpose that would serve her better."

"Well, as long as you keep your guard up, you should be fine. Besides, even she couldn't find the spot where you're going."

The way Pamela said it, made you feel uneasy. You shared a pensive glance with Sam before going back to drinking your tea.

"Where is that, exactly?" Sam asked.

"Not too far, but the whole place is warded. Grounds and all. Even if Rowena were to cast her most powerful location spell, she would not be able to find you."

"I wouldn't put it past Crowley to ask her to do just that," you replied, knowing that your father will do whatever he needs to find you.

"I promise, you'll be protected there. It's one of my safe houses, a small cottage out on the outskirts of the woods. Should there be any trouble, there's an escape route through the root cellar. I'll show you when we get there."

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