Chapter Eight

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Since the death of his beloved wife, Mary, John Winchester had fallen into a bit of madness. He was thirsty for revenge against the monsters that tore her away from him. He would ramble about his castle, pouring through books and seeking out various shamans to aid him in his quest, but nothing had panned out. As the years passed, he grew angrier, and more depressed. His sons grew into strong, fine men; ones he should be proud of, but couldn't help but envy. They mourned their mother, but there was no way they could feel her loss as he did, and part of him hated them for it. They were so young when she perished in the Angel Wars, John wasn't sure they even had real memories of her anymore, but he sure did.

Once Samuel's fiancé was murdered by Crowley, John's incensed rage grew even more. If he couldn't get justice for Mary, maybe he could for Jessica. Maybe, just maybe, it would help to quell the storm that raged in his heart. That plan, like all his others, also backfired. He had set a perfect trap for Crowley by summoning him under the ruse to try and broker some kind of peace, but being the negotiating little gremlin he was, a new deal was put on the table.

"Are you insane?" John growled, his dark eyes nearly as black as Crowley's minions. "I could never do that!"

"Your contract is almost up, King John... and this deal, well it could give you more time. You could refuse, and let things happen as they may, or you could hear me out and take it under serious consideration. I did keep my mouth shut about your little, um, indiscretion. Least you could do is hear me out."

Crowley would give him ten more years and help him end the war in Purgatory for a small price--Marry his daughter to Samuel to produce an heir, and allow him to pick the bones of the dead on the battlefield... human and monster.

John felt sick at the thought of his son having to bed that half demon, half witch. Knowing Samuel's state of mind after losing Jessica, John knew he would face some serious backlash from more than just his son. But, if it meant ending that war, and strengthening his hold on Lawrence, and beyond, then as the King, he would have to make this sacrifice. John signed Crowley's contract and freed him from the Devil's trap, and went to leave, feeling the need to be as far from the King of Hell as possible.

Crowley had just watched him mope about, but that wasn't enough to satisfy his own need for torture.

"John," Crowley called out before the King disappeared into the shadows of the castle, "sure hope you took a moment to read the fine print."

Pausing in the doorway, John's head fell to his chest. He knew there was more... and here it was.

"I take your pouty demeanor to mean you didn't. Well, being the shrewd businessman I am, I feel as though it's in both of our best interest to point it out."

"Does it even matter now, Crowley? I already signed your damn contract," John replied, his tone defeated.

"It might..." Crowley smiled in that charming way he had, and waited for the King to turn and look into his now blood red eyes. "That heir, the child that comes from this union... he is mine to raise. I shall take charge of him, raise him as my own. No harm will come to young Sammy, of course. The bloodline of this child will be just what I need to solidify my hold over Hell..."

John snorted a disgusted laugh. "Do you think my son would let a child of his be placed in your care? And what about your daughter? She may be your flesh and blood, but I doubt that she would even want you to touch her child."

Crowley waved a hand, discrediting John's suggestions. "Sire, let me take care of the details. You, just make sure your giant of a son shows up and weds my daughter. It gutted me to have to slay dear Sammy's little girlfriend, but she stood in my way. I won't have done it all in vain. You have a fortnight to make it happen, or I will consider you reneging on this contract. I would hate to have to send my hounds for you, and the Hardy boys."

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