Schemes and Scandals

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Today was the day for registration. Yes, you heard that right!

I was up all night thinking about how to tell Darry that I was ready, but I haven't thought of anything.

I walked downstairs and smiled at everyone at the breakfast table and they smiled back.

Last night was a little awkward with Daisy and Soda, but I think that she is very sweet and pretty.

I like her. I asked Darry if Ann could come with me to the park today.

Her grandmother surprised her with a brand new phone! Can you believe it?

Her grandma holds it at all time unless they are at her house.

She usually calls my own house phone with her new cell phone.

I've already memorized her number it is 601-388-9051.

(Do not call this number it is made up and Ann Claud will not be the one to answer)

Darry called their house phone and said we could play at the park, so once Soda dropped me off it was just the two of us.

She began to show me her new phone.

"See, grandma, was asleep when I left, so I actually got to bring it outside for once."

I held it like a gentle caterpillar that if you held too hard it would surely die.

I smiled as she took it away.

"And look, it even has a camera on it so we can take smile."

She held her new phone in the air as she snapped a new photo of us.

She pulled her phone away from the air and said, "That's my new screensaver."

I then watched her go to settings and change the screen of her phone to both of our faces.

She then showed me all kinds of games her grandma had downloaded for her:

She then opened up an app called Angry Birds and played it in front of me showing me all kinds of things you could do

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She then opened up an app called Angry Birds and played it in front of me showing me all kinds of things you could do.

She then looked at me and asked, "Oh, do you want to try it?"

I smiled and nodded my head as she slipped the small phone in my hands.

I started out a little nervous at first at her watching me. The pressure of her watching made me scared.

But I won the first level I tried!

"Wow, that was so cool!" She said. It gave her three extra stars.

I handed her the phone back and then she said, "Oh, I totally forgot! My grandma downloaded this voice app where you can type stuff and a voice will repeat back what you typed."

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