Dally's Day

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I opened my eyes and realized that it was Tuesday.

Which meant the best thing ever Darry was going to cook tacos tonight!

Taco Tuesday.

I began to get excited because I loved tacos especially the soft shell ones.

I saw that the time was later in the morning and was wondering if the boys had gone to work yet.

I tiptoed to Soda and Pony's shared bedroom and climbed up it.

I was super short for my age but that didn't stop me.

I jumped up and down on there beds trying to wake them up.

Eventually, I felt someone grab my feet and pull me down from jumping.

I looked up to see it was Soda, and I started to giggle.

He asked, "Morning, Lolly, what are you doing up so early?"

I pointed over to his alarm clock as he was then really stressing out.

"Oh shit Imma be late for work."

He pulled me off the bed and jumped up himself running to wake Darry up.

I went downstairs and decided to make everyone eggs and toast.

I let them fix it how they wanted it when I was done cooking.

Soda walked in the kitchen with his DX uniform on and smiled at me.

I was still cooking as he came to my right side and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks for breakfast, Lolly."

He began to mix grape jelly with his eggs which I thought was disgusting.

He liked it though.

Everyone else enjoyed their breakfast as well as Sodapop.

Two-bit said, "I've got to get home my mom will be wondering where I ran off to."

Ponyboy asked, "What about Lollipop, Darry?"

I looked at Darry. Yeah, what about me? Who's going to watch me?

Then, a voice said, "I can watch the kid while you guys go to school and work."

We all looked up to see Dally entering the house.

I looked at my brothers all a little worried, and they could tell.

Darry said, "Dally, no offense, but I can't have Lolly in the hands of a criminal."

He took it offensive and said, "Darry, she's five. I won't do anything illegal."

He sighed sadly he didn't have another choice then to let me go with him.

He sighed giving in, "Okay, if you don't do anything illegal with her."

Dally then put his arm around me and said, "See you guys tonight."

As he led me out, I wanted to run back and hold onto my brothers.

Dally scares me more than anybody else in this world.

I've seen him on bad days and it's just something I never want to see.

He asked, "You're still a kid, so wanna go to the park?"

I nodded my head being a little shy.

He then led me to a nearby park that had monkey bars, a fountain, and even swings.

I used to go to parks all the time with daddy but that was before.

I ran to the monkey bars and hanged upstairs pretending to scratch under my arms.

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