Svayamvar: Part 1

Começar do início

"As if Maa Durga has come down to earth" Radha Kaki added.

Maa Durga... Not a bad one...
But I don't think I can look as beautiful as her.
After all she is even Goddess of Beauty(Every Goddess is that).

They talked a few more minutes with me. Then Subhadra and Supriya entered.

"The guests have already arrived." Supriya exclaimed.

"It's time for Amrit to go" Subhadra said excitedly.

She is more excited than me about my wedding.
You just look, I will make sure that I am more happy on your marriage.

We started going when Kanha blocked our way.
He wasn't in his usual self. He looked a bit too serious.

"You all go. I will bring her in a few moments." He said with a smile, but not his signature one.

They just nodded and went.

As soon as they left, Kanha sighed.

"What happened Kanha?" I asked with concern.

"Listen Amrit, it's important. I just want to tell you that a new chapter of your life is gonna start. And if you ever feel too much emotions, don't even try to hide them, just show them no matter who is in front of you. Like if you are feeling emotional,cry. If you are feeling many anger,just show it. Don't ever try to hide it." Kanha said all that in a serious tone.

I just nodded.

"Now let's go" He said with his signature smile.

Now everything is fine.

We both started going. As we almost reached the main hall.

But as we started reaching there, all the moments since I arrived in this era, specially the moments I made in these 3-4 days. With Kanha, With Karn, With Dau, With Subhadra, With their mothers, With their wives,  With their sons, With their daughters.
And by the time I reached the ceremony hall, my eyes were almost filled with tears.

My whole body was shivering as I sat on my seat.

I can't do this.
I just can't.
I need some more time.
What if I chose the wrong one?
What if one decision changes my life in a bad way?
I am not yet ready for a relation which people thinks are forever.

"Welcome to Dwarka everyone" Dau said.

"As you all know we are here for Amrit's svayamvar. And now that you have met her, I will tell you all the rules. There is no competition or contest to win Amrit. It's purely her choice. First, we will introduce you all to her, one by one. Then she will be given the garland and will do a round around you all, her maids introducing you again. Then at last, she will garland the man she choose." He added with pride.

But what if don't wanna choose any of them .

They all were introduced to me. There were around 40-50 kings and princes. But, I have heard hardly about any of them.

It was the time to garland my choice now.

I don't like any of them. I mean I have hardly heard about any of them and I cannot marry someone whom I don't know.

But it's about Dwarka's respect and Anga's too. I just can't insult them.

I started walking with a beautiful garland in my hand.

I started walking with a beautiful garland in my hand

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I closed my eyes and kept on walking.

Hey Bhagwan! Now you only show some way.

I kept on praying.

Suddenly we heard a loud bang.
I opened my eyes and saw...

Author's Note-

Hey guys, so sorry for so much delay in this part.

I am having my annual exams and do I hardly get time to write.

Next part will be late too.

Actually, I write this story (and His!) when I am motivated and inspired. Other story is written anytime. But these two are really close too my heart.

Btw, who do you think Amrit saw?

The Epic From Her Eyes- Mahabharata Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora