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Wes's POV

I can't believe she said that in front of the front desk woman! I also can't believe she thinks I don't want to sleep with her! For Christ sakes she's everything I want, but I just wanna take it slow. I don't want to rush her, but she's making it so god damn hard. The elevator doors slid open making me pull my lips from hers and I grab her hand pulling her along with me to our room.

"You act like it isn't already impossible for me to not wanna strip you naked." I mumbled as I fought with our room key.

Briley took the key and flipped it over in my hand half smiling when it worked. "And you act like that's not exactly what I want." she giggled walking ahead of me into the room. I watched her walk over and look out the window. She sighed heavily and turned back to face me. "You do think about it at least, right?"

The look on her face made me feel about as tall as a flea. "Baby, of course I do. I love you so much. I think about how amazing it's going to be when I finally-" Briley's phone rang and she glanced down biting her lip. "Go ahead." I waved my hand.

"Hey Drew." she answered cheerfully. That's what pushed me over the edge. She was all about sex with me then it was suddenly second fiddle to whatever Drew wanted. That's it!

I grabbed her phone away from her. "She'll call you back." I ended the call and pulled Briley by her hips to me.

"What was that about? You told me to get it." she asked wrinkling her eyebrows. Then like a light bulb it clicked. "You're still jealous!"

"You talk to much." I silenced her with a long kiss on her soft pink lips. She kissed me back with no hesitation.

Briley's POV

When Wes pulled back I stared at him in awe. The boy sweeps me off my feet more than just a few times every day, but when we kiss that number it multiplied by ten. God I love him so much!

"Wow." I breathed.

"Briley you're beyond perfect for me." Wes smiled. "Beyond perfect."

"Let me show you how perfect." I said sexually. This is usually where I get shot down.

"Show me." he smirked testing me possibly.

I wasn't passing if up though. I pulled his lips back to mine and started shoving his clothes off. Once I'd shoved him back on the bed he pulled me down with him and flipped us over so he was hovering over me. That's when I started crying.


Seth flipped us over so he was hovering over me. His lazy smirk was trumped by the lust in his eyes as he kissed down my stomach. He promised we'd take it slow since it was my first time and I trusted him.

"Seth I'm not on birth control." I blurted out.

He smiled and shook his head. "It's fine babe. No one gets pregnant after one time, and I'll pull out."

I nodded my head and he continued. He didn't pull out though and after that I started getting sick. I was even a few months late. So I went to the doctor. When I went though they just told me I was late because I was so stressed out and that's also what was making me sick. They even put me on nerve pills.

I was relieved I hadn't been pregnant, but Seth seemed sad. That's when I decided we needed a break. I didn't wanna feel trapped with him and I was starting to.

(End Flashback)

"What's wrong Bry?" Wes asked wiping tears away.

Why to go! Now he'll never have sex with you! "It's nothing." I lied.

"Come here." he sat up and pulled me into his lap that was only clothed by boxers. "Please tell me what's wrong Briley? I can't help you if you won't tell me. Babe all I wanna do is fix it. I never want you to have any reason to be unhappy, so just tell me. Please."

I sighed and explained what had happened. "It was like a déjà vu moment Wes. Then all I can think is how he was lying to me the whole time and I was so stupid!" I sobbed harder against his chest. "At the time I felt bad about feeling relieved when they said I wasn't pregnant. Is it bad that I don't regret it now?"

"No baby, it's not bad." Wes rubbed up and down my arms calming me down. "This is exactly why I didn't want to rush you. I don't wanna make you sad or feel like you have to do it to keep me around. I love you Briley Matthews and nothing is going to change that."

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. "I love you too Wes." He kissed me softly then laid us back in the bed. I cuddled against him and pulled up the covers.

So maybe we didn't have sex tonight, but I know that Wes is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I also know that he's not going anywhere anytime soon. He loves me and I love him, and that's all that matters.

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