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Wes's POV

I held Briley's hand as we walking in the sand along the edge of the water. She had a bikini that matched my shorts and showed off her amazing curves. I honestly think I make her nervous though. She does this thing where she babbles and I kind of find it adorable.

"How many guys have you dated?" I blurted out. Way to go dumbass!

"Like dated or slept with?" she asked.

"I don't know. You don't have to answer that. I'm sorry." I laughed nervously.

"I've dated two different guys and slept with one." she said. "What about you playboy?"

I laughed at her forwardness. "I've dated five or six girls seriously, but I've slept with lots of girls honestly." I didn't lie, because I want to be 100% honest with Briley.

"I figured." she shrugged.

"I mean some weren't bad but others, it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway if you catch my drift." I babbled.

"Ew Wes shut up!" She smacked my arm.

"How come you haven't asked anything personal about me really?" I asked her swinging our hands between us.

"Do you want me to be honest?" she asked.

She asked that a lot, as if I'd rather her lie to me. "Yeah." I said.

She stopped walking and looked up at me with her cheeks flaming red. "I haven't asked because there's nothing I don't know already."

I mean I know she said she was an emblem but I doubt that she know everything about me. "Okay miss know it all, when's my birthday?" I asked an easy one first.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "December sixth, the day after mine."

"What's my favorite food?" I smiled.

"Wes I don't want to freak you out please stop." she looked down at her feet in the sand.

"You only wanna quit because you don't know the answer." I teased.

"Sushi. You wanted to go vegan but fish is you're weakness. You also really like chicken. Your favorite colors are blue and red. You like cake and rainbow sherbet ice cream even though it's bad for you." She rattled off more facts about me all being spot on.

I just stared at her in amazement. I know I should feel freaked but I find it so cool that she dedicate so much time to find out this stuff about me. Like that's intense dedication.

"You aren't freaking me out." I smiled interlocking my fingers together behind her back. "I actually think it's cute you internet stalked me."

She giggled as her cheeks turned pink. "So you don't think I'm a freak?"

"You're a huge supporter of me doing what I love. How could that freak me out?" I laughed.

She put her hands gently on my shoulders almost as if she was scared to touch me. "I'm glad." she smiled.

I lifted her up over my shoulder making her squeal as I walked out into the water. "I'm glad too." I laughed as she begged me to put her down. I tossed her into the water and stood waiting for her to pop up. When she did she splashed me making me laugh.

Trying to make kissing her cliché I smiled and asked, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"No." she shook her head seriously.

Her answer surprised me. "Why not?" I asked.

"Love at first sight is a fantasy.If you love someone by only seeing them you know nothing about who they are. I believe you only fall in true love when it's meant to happen." she explained.

It made since, but it wasn't what I'd expected her to say. It was as if she spoke from experience. "Well I hope I have good timing." I winked making her cheeks go pink again.

Briley's POV

Way to go big mouth now he thinks you're a freak who doesn't even believe in love. Nice job! "I hope so too." I smiled as my cheeks blushed.

After Seth I didn't know what to expect with guys, and now here's Wesley fucking Stromberg talking to me about love. Holy hell I'm in over my damn head.

"What's you biggest fear?" Wes asked me.

"Not being good enough." I said softly.

"Good enough? For what?" he asked.

"Good enough for anything." I shrugged. That's when my mind drifted back in time.


"You're a worthless piece of fucking shit!" my dad shouted at my mother.

"Ben calm down. Please just talk to me rationally about all this" Mom begged him. She was always begging him to stay with us. "You're lazy and all you fucking do is sit around all day. I'm leaving and you'll never see a dime of my damn money. You better keep that kid outta my business too or I'll make your life a living hell you bitch!" Dad shouted slamming his coffee cup down on the table shattering it.

I whimpered and hid behind the couch so when he left he wouldn't know I'd been spying. He left lots of times for work but something told me this time was for good. In a way I hoped it was. I was tired of missing him and worrying about if he was coming back or not.

"Ben I can't raise her alone." Mom pleaded. "I need you."

"You're worthless to me Charlotte and so is that daughter, because she's just like you!" he screamed. I almost swear he said something else to her under his breath, but I can't be sure then he left and door slammed.


Mom cried for six months until the divorce was final. She never let me out of her sight after that really. I was seven years old at the time, and I didn't see my dad again until his funeral. I was thirteen when he died and mom made me go to the funeral. The only time he crossed my mind after that was when I thought Seth had gotten me pregnant and felt just as worthless as he said I was.

"What's your biggest fear?" I asked Wes shaking these thoughts from my mind.

"Shark attack." he said seriously.

I giggle at his answer. "What?"

"When you surf as much as me it's probable!" he laughed. "It actually terrifies me."

"Then why surf?" I asked.

"It's addicting. The thrill of not being in control and being at the mercy of the water. It's amazing and I won't let my fear get in the way of something I love." he smiled.

That was an amazing answer. "You're everything like I thought you'd be." I admitted out loud.

"Is that bad?" He asked.

"No. I'm glad I was right." I looked down as he intertwined our fingers. This day couldn't get any more perfect, and neither could he.

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