With the stars as my witness

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 just a disclaimer before you guys read this passage, some of you may notice this was taken from my second book "thoughts for the stars" as I decided I just wanted to focus on one poetry book at a time! 

What a beautiful thing when you don't have to question the reasons behind the smile on your face.

For the first time in my life, everything felt right sitting amongst the stars with my hand in yours. 

We don't always need the influence to love each other, but the love we get from it is indestructible. 

There are 88 constellations in the sky, and for some reason, I can never focus on anything other than the gleaming in your eyes. 

I could fill so many books describing the way my heart felt when your lips pressed up against mine. 

The stars can only shine because darkness engulfs them. Learn from the stars, the most beautiful people shine when everything around them seems bleak. 

The stars couldn't even contain their joy for how well their plan was working out for me, I saw 3 shooting stars tonight, my wish was for you. 

The most lovely people I've ever met have more knowledge with emotions than books, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that there's a certain comfort in someone who knows how to care for me emotionally rather than statistically. 

CLose your eyes and grasp the first 3 things that come to mind. If they're all negative, look to the sky and aspire for new ones. 

Your skin was so beautiful underneath the soft glow of the moon, sometimes I get jealous seeing how exquisite you are, until I remember that you're still laying here with me, telling me all the things you've wanted to say, and my heart settles back into place with a new confidence that wasn't there before, all because there's a possibility you're jealous of me too. 

Don't let people tell you who to love, but don't ignore the signs of being with someone who isn't good for you, be with someone who craves your touch and would never hurt you. just because they aren't physical, doesn't mean they can't leave you with scars. 

thoughts for the moonWhere stories live. Discover now