What's For Dinner?

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Phoenix, Crimson, and Smoke were triplets. They were the children of Clay and Peril, but the couple din't really know very much about parenting, especially because neither one of them had been raised by their real parents. Clay did his best to be a good father, but sometimes he couldn't help sort of hogging all the food; Peril was a pretty good mom, but sometimes it was hard, especially with Smoke around. Their oldest son, Boar was practically a mini Clay: He was kind and caring, loved food, and had a crush on a girl named Eagle. Cleril had many children:

Boar - mini version of Clay, dating Eagle

Sparrow - tall, quick, agile, kind but fierce

Phoenix - tiny-footed, strong, elegant, beautiful, crush on Eel (Son of Tsunami and Riptide)

Crimson - Grumpy at times, out of the way, likes food, annoying (In a teasing 'you-have-a-crush-ha-ha!' way)

Smoke - troublemaker, trickster, beautiful

~anyways, that was just a small description of all of Clerils' children. Let's get back to the story...~

"Ahh, home sweat home," Phoenix stretched as she got inside after school. She had just started 7th grade that year. "At last."

"How was it, honey?" Peril asked walking over from her desk. She worked for Mrs. Ruby, principal at the SkyWing academy (which was where Phoenix went), although it was really just a part of a whole big school split into parts. The different parts were: RainWing, IceWing, SeaWing, SkyWing, MudWing, NightWing, and SandWing.

"How was Eel?" Crimson (Who went to the MudWing part with Boar) asked scornfully.

"Why would you want to know?" Phoenix asked suspiciously.

"Because I want to if you've finally asked him out." He answered. Then Phoenix tackled him, and they got in a sort of fight. Phoenx of course won, being the strongest of the triplets. After that she walked away and into the kitchen, where her dad was cooking.

"What's for dinner?" She asked Clay.

"Oh, hey sweat-heart, we're having enchiladas."

"Yay!" Said Sparrow, coming in to help Clay.

~Well, that was the chapter! Sorry if it was a bit weird... I'm weird. Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Thank you!

 - Walrus

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