At the end of the world

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The week with the Way brothers had been amazing. Gerard helped her with practical jokes, most of them aimed at poor Ray who was regretting bringing Gerard with him. But their time could not last. Gerard has healed and would be going back to fight. And with how the battles had been recently, he would most likely end up injured again.

Or dead.

Germany was retreating, but leaving devastation in their wake. They were fighting as hard as they could, for as long as they could. So although we were winning, we had a lot of casualties. Everyone was hoping to be done with the war by Christmas. I didn't think it was likely.

The world keeps turning though, and the only thing I could do was spend as much time with Gerard as possible, and let the brothers be with each other, before Gerard left.

Mikey was devastated, and wanted to go with his brother, regardless of his condition. Ray managed to convince him to stay, saying it was likely that they would see each other again. None of us believed him, not even himself. But we had to keep Mikey say.

So when I found Mikey trying to escape on the 3rd day that Gerard had been gone, I wasn't best pleased.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" I exclaimed, making Mikey jump.

"I wanted to go outside. For the fresh air" he muttered, keeping his eyes on the floor. I grabbed his hand and, to his surprise, checked no one was around before running out of the building. This was the boldest I head felt around Mikey, so I was making the most of my sudden confidence boost.

"What? Where are we..."

"Shhhh" I put my finger to his lips "you'll see." He nodded, frowning slightly. I dragged him to one of the old buildings, where I spent most of my little free time before the Way brothers arrived.

He followed behind me, as if he was a lost dog. I mentally aww'ed at his confused expression, but restrained from saying it out loud. I highly doubted he would appreciate that.

We reached the roof and I pulled him up, just in time. Looking out to the horizon, we saw the sun setting behind the trees surrounding the small town we were in. The sky was turning purple, with black seeping in.

I looked over to Mikey, who was fixed on the sun. His face had lit up with the first smile I had seen since Gerard's departure. I smiled at him, not realising he had turned to face me until I felt something touch my cheek.

"You okay y/n?" Mikey's voice cut through my trance, shaking me into action. I nodded, beaming at him, and dragged him to the edge of the building. We sat down and Mikey put his arm around my waist. I tucked my head into his neck and we both sat still while the sun went down

Mikey would still take a couple of months to heal, but in 4 months time he would most likely be back out fighting again. Everyone believed the war would be over by Christmas, but I knew it would take longer. We may be getting closer to the German border but there's no way we would get to Berlin in 4 months!

I sighed and leant into Mikey's side, resting my head on his shoulder. he looked down at me, then wrapped his arm around m shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I felt my eyes get heavy and before long the world became black, and I felt something soft on my forehead, before I drifted fully into unconsciousness.

When I woke up I noticed we were back in the hospital, Mikey lying next to me. He was lying on his side, facing away from me. I looked up and saw Ray smiling at us, probably plotting for us to become a couple, knowing him. He saw me looking and winked, before leaving to treat some patients.

Shit. The patients.

I got up as quick as I could without waking Mikey and ran to my first aid kit to prepare for the days ambulances. I re-wrapped some wounds while I waited, leaving Mikey for last so that he could wake up on his own. Last time I had tried to wake him up had not ended well. I still have a black eye...

I heard the sound of horses outside and finished wrapping Mikey's wound. I saw the other nurses running around, although most of them had finished treating patients. I was running behind. I never ran behind.

The new ambulance full of injured people arrived and we got to work, cleaning, stitching, bandaging and washing. There were less people than usual today, a good sign. I also heard from one of the soldiers that the Soviets were almost in Germany. Maybe we could win this war.

I eventually got round to speaking to Mikey after the second ambulance, much later that afternoon. We simply spoke about what life was like growing up. Turns out him and his brother wanted to make a band, and were going to carry out that plan if the war hadn't happened, and killed their guitarist. Mikey said he was a very energetic person, and very kind to the people he loved.

I simply told him about life in Britain. The constant rain, miserable winters and decent summers, playing in the meadows with my sister, life before war. He seemed very interested, giving me the confidence to tell him everything. I opened up with very few people, so far only Mikey and Ray even knew I had a sister. It was easier that way.

I left Mikey on his bed and went to my own, smiling. I wished things could stay like this forever. But alas, things had to change. And it would be sooner than I would have liked.

*Authors note* This took forever to write yet still feels rushed, sorry guys.

My life is pretty boring atm but I still have no time to write. My updates won't be very regular so don't count on me updating every week like I originally planned.

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