If I died we'd be together

897 37 142

The screams of the guns deafened me as I ran down the street. No mans land was only 12 miles west of this town, but the Germans were persistent and slowly getting closer.

I ran to the safety of our 'hospital'. It is more of a random building where we treat the wounded, not much of a hospital. But I've seen worse in this bloody war. My parents said that the last war was bad, but not this bad.

Ray spots me as soon as I run in, and stops unpacking his kit to run over to me. I brush off his fussing and amble over to my area. The next ambulance is due to arrive any minute with a new batch of nearly dead soldiers. We give them their initial fixing, for lack of a better word, and send the worst ones off to the main hospital.

5 minutes later, the ambulance arrived and me and the 6 other medics got to work, bandaging wounds, whatever the patient needed.

This happened roughly 5 times a day. Sometimes more, rarely less. It had been like this since the war had started 5 years ago. Every day was the same.

And so it carried on for a few weeks, patients in and out. A few out in body bags, but most walking on their own feet. Or foot in one case. So why would today be any different?

It was the second ambulance arrival, about 10:00am. There had been a big fight just north of us, on a beach. Ray had been sent to be the on field medic, leaving the rest of us to man the hospital.

Ray burst through the door, carrying a stretcher. I grabbed my medical kit and made my way over to the corner they had put the stretcher in. As I was the most experienced, everyone gave me the ones that were bad enough for a stretcher.

The man on the stretcher looked barely older than 20. Too young to be fighting this war. His American uniform was covered in red stains, especially around his chest. A bandage, with blood starting to seep through, covered his chest. He had multiple superficial injuries on his arms and legs and a small cut on his forehead.

I started with his head, washing it off before wrapping it up with a bandage. It wasn't too serious after all. His chest however, looked very bad.

"2 shots, just missed the heart" Ray said, appearing behind me. I nodded and started unwrapping the bandage. I had to be quick, or he would bleed to death.

Ray passed me the tweezers and I got back to work on the bullets. They were still whole, so easy enough of pull out. A few stitches and a new bandage later I was done and ready for the next patient, a young man, seemingly only a few years older than the man I had just treated, with messy black hair. The 2 men had similar features, from what I could see through the mud.

I passed the second man a towel and cleaned his wounds whilst he cleaned his face. His wounds weren't too bad, just needed a stitch here and there. He thanked me and walked over to my first patient, worry clear on his face.

I finished with my last patient before going over to the 2 men.

"He'll survive, don't worry" I assured him. He looked doubtful but nodded.

"Thanks doctor. I'm just scared for him. It was our first fight and he nearly got killed. He was always the careful one so I'd dread to think what could happen to me."

"War is a game of luck. You never know how much longer you will be alive. You never know if you will go home. So you have to be thankful every battle you survive. Don't think about the what ifs. Next battle you could be going home in a coffin." I heard Ray Mutter from behind me. Way to dampen the mood. "I'm Ray by the way"

"Gerard. Thanks for saving our asses out there." Gerard replies, smiling at Ray.

"I'm y/n. The head doctor here. You're in safe hands" I assured him, smiling and shaking Gerard's hand. He smiled gratefully at us, before turning his attention to the man on the bed.

"This is my brother Mikey" he whispered. "He'd probably be saying something stupid, but..." he trailed off, glancing down. Ray patted his back and whispered something in his ear, making his face light up a bit. He smiled at me before returning to his bed.

I glanced over to Ray who just smiled and winked, before turning around and walking off to treat his patients. I stood there for a moment before shaking my head and getting back to work.


3 days passed before Mikey woke up.

I was changing his bandage, which was needing to be done less now that he was healing, when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Wh-where am I?"

I looked up and saw Mikey staring at me, obviously very confused. I simply smiled at him and finished bandaging his wound. Once I had finished, I waved at Gerard, calling him over.

Mikey's eyes grew wide when he saw his brother, who ran over and gently hugged him, muttering something in his ear. I felt a smile spread across my face as I watched the two brothers reunite.

Gerard whispered something in Mikey's ear, and dragged me over, as I had moved away to give them space. "This is y/n. She saved your life" he said, directing his comment to Mikey and shoving me forwards.

I looked at Mikey and shyly waved, wanting to disappear. His eyes seemed to see right through me. The mixture of brown and green, that on most people would be boring, lured me in. He was beautiful. I noticed his looks before, but they became even more prominent now that he was awake.

"Hi, I'm Mikey Way" I smiled at the way he pronounced his name, making it sound like Moikey. It was adorable.

"Hi Mikey, I'm y/n, one of the nurses here"

"One of? More like the best and head of" I heard Gerard exclaim. I felt my cheeks heat up, and there was no doubt that I looked like a tomato. I smiled at Mikey, and he smiled back.

"Glad to know I'm getting the best care in this damned war then." Mikey laughed. I smiled, fully this time, before going to check on my other patients. As much as I'd love to keep speaking to the Way brothers, I had a job to do.

But I planned to spend as much time as I could with Mikey and Gerard before they had to go back and fight in this stupid war.

I'm pretty proud of how this went.

And OVER 1000 WORDS!!!! I'm proud of myself.

This book is based on WWII, where the reader and Ray are British nurses and Mikey and Gee are in the army. Frank and maybe other members of the emo quartet will also be included later.

Do you want any side ships? (Frerard, Ryden, Peterick etc.)

Never Coming Back (Mikey Way x reader)Where stories live. Discover now