Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Lucinda of Celestials

I'm not sure what my first thought was when I opened my eyes and my Mate was nowhere in sight. But not long after, there came a sinking feeling in my chest that was accompanied by a loss of breath. I gripped the sheets and struggled to take in air, looking around for my Vladimir as I gasped. The door to the room opened and there he emerged. Upon seeing my state, he ran over to me, discarding his computer on a chair, and took my face in his hands as he looked into my eyes.

"Breath, Lucy, in and out." I followed his instructions, holding on to his arms like my life depended on it. "There you go, love, that's better." My breathing evened out and butterflies erupted in my stomach at the new name he had given me. "Are you alright?" I nodded and let go of him, stretching out my stiff body. "I just went to get my computer from the office, you were fast asleep-I'm sorry I left you without telling you. I thought I could get back in time." I shook my head in dismissal and moved to get out of bed. "What are you doing?"

"Stretching," I stated, throwing the covers back to reveal myself to him. In Succubi culture, being naked was just something everyone was used to. Our bodies are our temple and we seek to put it on display, especially to our Mates, so it hurt me when he looked away. I felt tears spring up into my eyes at his blatant dismissal of my figure. "Vladimir?"

"Yes, my light?"

"Why won't you look at me?"

"I-I won't be able to control myself and I don't want to invade your privacy."

It suddenly became clear to me. Being naked in his culture was something private, something intimate, and I immediately felt shame for not realizing it sooner. I sat down and pulled the sheet over myself. I then reached out and took his chin in my left hand to lift his face to my eyes. "I forget that our cultures are different sometimes," I smiled. "For Succubi being bare is just something we are used to and when we are in front of our mate, we seek their approval of us...physically."

Vladimir's eyes softened and he leaning into my touch. "You are beautiful, Lucinda," he whispered, looking me directly in the eyes. It was almost as if he was baring his soul to me. "I approve of you immensely, but in my culture, only the mates get to see each other naked. It's something that is private and sets the tone of intimacy with our mates. I didn't think we were ready to be that intimate yet, since I don't know all of what you've been through."

"Thank you," I smiled, pulling my hand away. "I don't know much of your culture, even though I am part of your race. That's why my aunt sent me to Verish, to learn."

"Where did you come from?"

I stiffened and clasped my hands together. I had promised myself never to tell a soul, but did that inc,use my Mate? I couldn't risk it. "I am afraid I cannot tell you."

I sat in my cell, almost limp as my arms and legs were being chained up yet again. I sighed and tried to block out the pain and aching of my body. Draco tsked and ran his hand down my bruised arm, pressing on the particularly painful ones. He smiled as I hissed, trying hard not to give him the satisfaction he wanted.

"Just tell me where they are and you will be free," he whispered, brushing my hair back behind my ear.

I pulled my face away, grunting. "You take me for a fool. I'll never tell you."

"Always such a stubborn fucking bitch," he snarled, gripping the back of my neck, making me look up at his horrid face. He was a tall, burly man with a black beard that reached down to his collarbone. It was stained with my blood, but I inferred that it wasn't just mine. His red eyes pierced me and I felt fear creep into my soul. "How about I send your dear mate a picture of my cock buried balls deep in your pussy from behind?!" I cringed at his foul language, knowing what something like that would bring. "You're almost useless if it wasn't for what you hold within you." I held in my tears, not wanting to give him any sort of satisfaction from me. "Tell me where they are!"

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