Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
Vladimir Of Verish

I met with the trackers from all over the Coven, pleased with their talents and abilities. I looked down from the window of my office at those who were going to raid the blood farm with me. There was at least 250 of us and with what Haggar said, it should be a clean sweep. Small blood farms could be taken down with seventy-five, but I wasn't going to take any chances with my Mate being in those walls.

Haggar returned with the fifteenth letter and I cradled it in my hands for just a moment; this letter would decide how we took action in the next two hours. Violet stood next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I took in a deep breath that I didn't really need, and opened the seal, taking out the paper. There was a picture of her perfect, delicate hand with three fingers bent at an odd angle, and I felt agony seep into my body at the thought of what they've been doing to her.

Vladimir Of Verish,
Aren't her hands just the cutest, little things? I have quite enjoyed them this past month, but tell me, King of the Coven, when do you plan on coming to get your future Queen? It really is a beautiful thought that you still have no idea where we are, and in the next few weeks it isn't going to change.

Unfortunately, one of my other businesses is having a slight problem, so I will be away for a bit, but don't think that your mate's sweet torture will end. No, my boys quite enjoy her rather glorious company and will take very good care of her while I am away. Don't get any ideas, Vladimir, I know that you have somewhat of an inkling as to where she is. I'm not an idiot when it comes to the bond, which is why this game is so much fun for me!

You know, she was running to you when I caught her? She sensed you and had a wide, dazzling smile as she ran in the direction of that lake. It was comical when my boys and I snatched her away from her dreams. So close, yet so far. Was it like that for you as well? How adorable the Bond can be!

Enjoy my time off, and continue your search!
Draco Of Disaso

I looked through the letter again and frowned; there was something off about this particular one. Remembering the past letters Draco had written, I now realized why I felt that way. "Draco didn't write this."

"What do you mean?" Violet asked, "He's signed it."

"Yes, but that isn't his writing there above it. There are too many spaces between paragraphs, and the terminology does not match previous letters he has sent. Draco has always been one for the smallest details," I gave the letter to my sister. "This is not him."

Haggar looked off to the side as he thought, turning his eyes back to me. "Permission to-"


"With all due respect, my King, but I believe this is a trap."

"So what do suggest we do?" Violet snaps. "Wait another two weeks when he has returned? Someone wrote this letter to us with Draco's clearly forged signature. This could be one of the blood farms workers trying to get our attention and help us."

"The question is, your Majesty's, are we going to take this chance?"

We all looked around and saw Violet seething. "I've never met this woman before and I already know that she is going to be a great queen to the Coven because of all she has endured. I am willing to take this chance and I guarantee you that you ask anyone out there and they'll say the same damn thing."

"My apologies," Haggar bowed.

Silence stretched between us before I finally spoke up. "You both know that I am not one to throw caution to the wind when it comes to the lives of those that live inside my Coven, but I believe that what Violet has said is true. They will fight for her, and so will I. We're taking this chance."

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