s e v e n t e e n

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We arrived at the ER, Joey hopped out of the car and walked over to my side. He then opens the door and gives me a hug. Blood was gushing everywhere from my lips on to his shirt. He quickly grabs a tissue and dabs some of the blood. "I'm sorry" "for what?" "For drenching you in my blood" "don't worry about it, let's go inside" He says helping me out the car.

"Hi Ma'am, her name is Sara Ryder. She busted her lips open and I think she need stitches" "please come this way sir" the kind lady brought us into a room. I sat down on the hospital bed and Joey sat on the chair next to me.

A couple of minutes later the doctor came in. "Hello Miss. Ryder, how are you doing? What's your concern?" "I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. I busted my lip open" it was hard to talk. "How did this happen?" "A girl in school punched me" "let me take a look". The doctor took a step closer and looked at my lips. Joey was looking at me the whole time. "I'm afraid that the cut it's deep and you'll be needing stitches" "will it hurt?" "Just a bit, I'll be back" he left the room.

" I don't want stitches" my eyes started to water. Joey got up and took a seat beside me on the hospital bed. "Come here" he pulled me in a hug. "It's just going to sting a little, I'll be here the whole time." Joeys phone then rings. He picks it up and mouths "it's Jacob". The phone call ended. "Jacob said he can't make it there is really bad traffic. He said that he'll see you back at home" "oh" I frowned.

The doctor came it with the needles. Joey got up from the hospital bed and stood next to me. "I'll apply some numbing cream so you won't feel anything" then doctors applied numbing cream on my lips. Joey stuck his hand out and I held it.

"Take a deep breath in" I did as the doctor said and he then stuck the needle in my lip. I squeezed Joeys hand, it fucking hurts. "All done, you have 4 stitches on your lips. You won't be able to talk for a couple of days, and the stitches will dissolve on it's own so you don't need to worry about coming back. I'll come back with the pain killers" the doctor said leaving this room.

"Your done" Joey said flashing a smile. "It hwurts" I tried to talk. "I know, just give it a while."

The doctor came back with the meds "take 2 tablets if it really hurts, don't eat any spicy, sour, or hard food for the next 2-3 days. And try to avoid talking a lot." he then left the room for the last time.

I got up from the hospital bed and I see Joey was on his phone with an angry expression.

Joey's POV

While the doctors was talking to Sara I got a message from Chris.

Chris: You better stop beating me up, because that won't keep me away from Sara.
Me: Fuck off you son of a bitch.
Chris: Why do you even care so much about her?
Me: Because she is my best friend.
Chris: If she is your best friend then why did she tell me you are to clingy dougebag and a fuck boy.
Me: Pfftt.
Chris: She is a fucking whore and it will be easy for me to scoop her up from you. She is a slut a big fat one. She isn't even that pretty but dam her body is. Have you seen her boobs?!
Me: I

Before I could finish what I was writing I look up and see Sara looking at my with a worried expression.

"What's wrong" she asks "nothing.." "who are you talking to?" "Nobody" "Joey who are you talking to?!" "Nobody" "Then you won't mind looking in your phone then" "I do mind" "Joey what are you hiding!?" "Nothing". She then snatched my phone "give it back" I got up from the chair.

She read the message and gave back my phone without saying a thing.

Sara's POV

I snatched the phone from Joeys hand. "Give it back" he got up from his chair.

I saw the message it was from Chris and I read the whole conversation. He called me a whore and he was planing on raping me again. I felt more drained then I already was.

I hand Joey back his phone without saying anything. "Sara...did you really say I was clingy dougebag and a fuck boy?" "No Joey, why would I ever say that...by other means he is the clingy dougebag and the fuck boy" "I promise you he will never lay another finger on you" he gave me a weak smile. "To make this up to you, do you want to go grab some ice cream?" He added "Sure" I then have Joey a hug and walked back to his car.


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