Best friends always know it.

Start from the beginning

"Okay I think, I'll let you speak. You may start." Grandma suddenly speaks.
I tell her the whole thing from the start to the end and all our conversations. With her, humming and nodding her head and giving me amused looks.

"Hmm." She says after I am done with my monologue.

"Is that all?" I ask, I at least expected a better reply and maybe an apology for teasing me with someone so unknown.

"Hmm?" She looks up at me.

"Is 'hmm' the only thing you have to say?"

"For now, yes. Now go change your clothes, our guests will be here in an hour."

"In a whole one hour? I'll go bathe and study till then."

"Okay." She simply states before turning the television on.

I walk up the stairs and to my room. I check my mobile, secretly hoping to find a text or two from a certain stranger.

I smile a small smile to see a text from him.

"Hey, sup?"

"Hey, nothing, was wondering why we are still talking, you say?" I reply and sit on my bed with my legs crossed.

I get a reply within a minute.

"Thinking about me? Me likey ;)"

"And thinking of going bowling to answer your question."

Oh he is going bowling too.

"Ooh I got offered to go there too."

"Ooh we can meet then."

Meet him? I don't think I wanna meet him considering the fact I really don't know who he is. I mean, sure I like talking to him but I don't trust him yet to meet him whenever just like that.

"I rejected"

"the offer."

"Your loss."

"Are you sure you are a guy?"


"Guys don't 'your loss' a girl away yk.."

"Guys who are interested in a girl don't you loss them away"


"My grammar Nazi was about to appear, and touché"

"I just don't think bowling would be your cup of tea.."

I widen my eyes, how does he always know things about me? But nah I wasn't going to get myself down.

"Oh please."

"Gotta see otherwise, to preach yk"

"I just don't feel like having so many people around me praise me for my bowling skills"

"Sure sure"

"I'll brb"


I sigh and take my books out, all the while wondering if I should go bowling with Adam and look around to spot a hot he.

Or maybe an ungly looking he, who knows?

I switch my mobile on again and dial Adam's number. He picks up the phone immediately after one ring.

"Bowling at 6, I'll pick you up." He says before hanging up.

Wow what?

I dial his number again.

"Now what?"

"When did I say I wanna go bowling?"

"Best friends always know it."

I contemplate this for a solid, whole and dramatic 2 seconds before sighing and replying, "I'm in."

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

A/n: Grandmoms can use the word dick, yes.

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