+Chapter Twelve+

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- Don't let life affect your feeling.

Chapter Twelve (Nicky's POV)

The hallway mocks me.

I slammed shut the door when I thought I saw the male nurse from last night, sighing as Leo turned his focus to me and raised a brow. My heart never failed to skip a beat at the sight of him, he looked better today. His bandage around his eyes had been removed, his blue eyes were blinking normally at me as I sighed in relief.

The familiar gunshot blasted through his Apple laptop got his attention and he went back flying his fingers on the keyboard. I smiled broadly and went to his side, putting down the basket of fruits on the table and sitting down on the bed with him. I watched as he stuck his head too close to the screen, fingers didn't rest a bit.

"I bought for your favourite fruits."

I informed him happily, unwrapping the basket and took out the small box  of strawberry. I popped open the lid and looked around, locking at the empty bowl on the table. I stood up, taking along a bottle of mineral water with me. I picked up the bowl and went to the window, sliding it open. After throughoutly rinsed the bowl with the water, I went back and poured the strawberries into the bowl. I put down on the spot next to his laptop.

I waited for him to try one but he was too caught up in his game, he totally ignored its presence. I sighed and went forward to pick up the bowl. Strawberries needed to be eaten fresh or they would lose their orginal vitamin after exposing to the air...

When did I become this clever?

I snorted at my thought and picked the biggest one, waving it near Leo's lips. He pressed his lips into a firm line and I touched his lips with the strawberry.

"Open up, Leo." I cooed as he groaned but slowly opened up his mouth. I popped the strawberry into his mouth as he munched away, he moaned delightfully when I snickered. This was the best strawberries you could find in Pascal, selling only at 'Grandma Suzy's Farm'. Even though it was pretty far away from town, but I knew Leo loved them. I'd spend my afternoon to drive to there, buying the freshest batch I could get my hands on.

Only wanted to get the satisfaction from Leo's moan.

It fulfilled my wildest dream, turning it into the longest chapter of wild sex.

I slowly fed him when I spaced out, thinking back what I had done yesterday. So I was positive that Matthew really loved me and I agreed to become his boyfriend.

Boyfriend, I had spent my entire living time to find the one person that I could call him that. And I always thought Leo would be on my side, to be the first and last of mine. But he closed the door for me, shutting his world around me. I stubbornly stood there, waiting for him to open it and caught me off guard by whispering those three words. But Matthew Klaine came into the picture, soothing me with his chocolate melody. He picked me up when I needed him, away from Leo's door. Together we walked away, hand in hand together we faded. Yet, he didn't notice that I'd left my heart on the doorstep.

I shouldn't have given Matthew hope when I was sitting here and taking care of Leo while he was busy winning my heart. I had no regret by accepting Matthew's love, but I didn't think it was fair for him to wait for me.

"Dude, are you okay?" His hand caught my wrist and I shook out of daze, something hot rolling down my cheeks. Leo looked stunned, so was I. I quickly wiped away the tears, clearing my throat. Leo set our hands onto the bed, his other hand shot out and helped me to wipe away the tears.

Did I cry for Matthew?

"What's wrong, Nicky?"

"Nothing, it's just sand" I smiled and laughed at myself, wiping the last of my tears. I stood up and poured some water from the bottle into a glass, handing the glass to Leo.

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