Start from the beginning

“Ey yo, fella participants!” The rockstar shouted. “Welcome to the Gate Guardian Tournament! This will be the ultimate test of ya battle capabilities and the sole winner of this tournament will give the chance to possess The God Core of the God of War, Mars!”

Several Gate Guardians cheered, and some talked to their friends.

“My brother is lively as ever,” Drex mumbled. I’m not shocked because the moment I saw the emcee, I have already concluded that they’re somewhat related with our delinquent-looking member.

“I thought the God of War was Kratos…” Heushac whispered to himself. “This is disappointing.”

Let’s go back to the announcement. The butlers distributed us some disks that look like a dismembered ear of a headphone that makes a beep beep sound.

“The first round of the tournament is a battle royale! We will conduct the first round in the Yami counterpart of the Black Cross Garden Maze! To make the mechanics easier, we have created those Gate Plates! You get that Gate Plate wrecked, you’re out! That Gate Plate automatically transports you back in the Earth Realm once it is destroyed, so be careful with that!” The emcee continued.

All the participants attached the Gate Plates on our chests, and the disk’s led light glowed blue. It feels weird wearing it as if it’s magnetized to my shrine maiden dress.

The emcee continued. “Only 32 people will advance to the next round. So far, we have 232 participants in this tournament. That means 200 of you will fail! Hahaha! This may be harsh, but we have to do this selection in order for the God Core of Mars to be compatible with a Gate Guardian! You have fifteen minutes to prepare!”

Then all the Gate Guardians dispersed.

We, the Aether Crusade has already geared up before the announcement has ever started. So we only have this fifteen minutes to review our tactics.

Oh, about my battle gear, my appearance has changed. I’m still wearing a shrine maiden dress with a red short skirt, but my hairstyle is different! I tied cute white ribbons on my princess-braided long black hair.

The Aether Crusade members all have these white ribbons as our uniform and to commemorate our previous leader, Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis. Through wearing these ribbons, we shall honor her name. These shall also serve our lucky charm in winning this tournament.

All the male members of Aether Crusade have the white ribbons tied on their right arm, except for Rikkun who had the ribbon tied on his left wrist like a bandage. Meanwhile, all the female members are wearing those cute ribbons as a hair ornament.


As soon as our tactical meeting ended, our young father was surprised by a sudden visitor.

“Papa!” Kristoff’s baby rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

Kristoff was so overjoyed when he saw his own daughter, and more importantly, his fiance.


“We’re going to watch my future husband to win this fight. Do your best, darling~”

Then Naomi kissed Kristoff’s cheek. It made our archer blush.

“Y-Yeah!” Kristoff gave a thumbs up. “Just watch daddy wreck those enemies!”

"Yaay!" The baby Riza cheered.


“I will also watch my future husband fight. Do your best, darling~” Eliseo said, and he made a flying kiss directed to Heushac!

“Screw off!” Heushac shrieked.

“Why are you forsaking him? Aren’t you two lovey-dovey in Mirose Grande Beach?” Rikkun asked.

“Y-You are right, Ric! I shouldn’t have approached that woman… I mean, that man! His Goddess Core is the work of evil!”

“So you have seen the truth?” Rikkun continued to ask with a smirk on his face.

“The friggin whole truth!” Heushac’s face is like those scared-to-death people on horror movies. “He’s terrifying! My butt hurts and I can't sit properly anymore!”

Rikkun made an “I told ya” smile to his friend.

Suddenly, Rikkun turned to me. I was so shy and embarrassed that I instinctively averted gaze at him. I’m even blushing just after seeing his emerald eyes, and my heart is throbbing.

“Tiara… Good luck with the battle. I’m counting on you.” Rikkun said.

“Y-Yes! I’ll do my best!” I finally had the courage to look at him eye to eye. I shouldn’t be worried about my romantic matters with him. I have to focus on this fight.

Before we depart to the battle royale area, I had a pleasing head pat from the man I eternally love. That will be my lucky charm to win this tournament.

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