Chapter 3. Broly is Nice

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Broly is the first thing you saw when opening your eyes. He stared at you with concerned eyes. Well that's new, you thought. The nightmare isn't new and certainly won't stop showing itself, unless you know how to cope.

"(y/n), you were crying." He said.

Noticing his hands on your cheek, you quickly brushed his hand off. "Yea and that's a normal thing someone would do."

"Sorry. You were screaming too. So I thought I'd come and check."

Your cheeks went red, he cared about you? Or maybe his father just told him to check you up. "Wow what a nice person you are. Thanks a lot, buddy."

"You are welcome." He stood up and walk off.

'That's it?'

It seems you are having a light headache and fever. You look around to found yourself inside a white and blue dominating bedroom.

"Well, what the hell? It's as small as my bathroom!"


After wiping your dirty eyelids several times, you realized this is a Space Ship's bedroom. Of course it's small, it's only big enough to store important things. But this bedroom isn't that bad. It's actually quite simple and comfortable.

'Whoa, my clothes and books... Everything is arranged already. There is only one person who has the permission to do this, or at least know to do it.... Broly.'

Your face turn red as you thought of that handsome face he got and that concerned tone when you were having a nightmare... Your heart beats once more, and a smile painted on your face.

'Am I going crazy, or I'm in love with him?'


After walking around the corridor and equipment room, you found the bathroom. Broly is already inside, he's holding a towel and new set of clothes for you!

It was sweet until you saw your underwear and push up bra too.

"WHY ARE YOU HOLDING THEEEEMMM???!!!" You snatched your clothes off his big hands.

"I'm sorry." He said.

You felt sorry for making him feel sad. His face is also sadder than usual now. "No no don't be sorry. You just have no idea about these kind of stuffs."

"Oh... You don't hate me, right?"

"Of course not! I love you, Broly. You just need more education about this kind of stuffs!" You put on a happy face for him.

He smiled, again. You always liked it when Broly smiles. It looks good on him.

"(y/n), let's save water and electricity. Want to take a bath together?"

The romantic aura around you two only got more intense. This is insane! You know Broly is probably clueless about sex education, so there is no reason to get so tense about this.

"Alright... But you need to face the other way while I'm taking my bath."


Ten minutes passed already, and you rushed outside the bathroom with only your towel and new clothes in your hands. Your face is red, your heart beats really really fast. You saw him, you saw him butt naked! Yea you only saw his back. But it's still naked!

You reached your bedroom and roll on the bed like a tornado.


After a minute of rolling around, you gather your clothes and put them on. It's a pink shirt with red short pants. You only wear them inside the house because it's cold outside at your planet. That thought brings back your childhood memories.

You were adopted by a childless couple. Your super abilities helped them cut a few trees down to be produced into fire logs. At first you want nothing of their kindness, but overtime you loved them and made a promise to not kill them.

But they passed away, and you got no promise to kept. You unleashed your super power and blast 90% of their race in one week. Oh those were good memories. You loved your stepparents because they have the kindness your original Saiyan family has.

Your thoughts were cut by Paragus knocking your bedroom's door.

"(y/n), you and Broly can enter the navigating room. I need to do something. Please do not touch anything."

You opened your bedroom's door. "That's cool. I swear I won't touch a thing."

"One thing, (y/n)." He suddenly got serious.


"Don't get too close to Broly."

Your heart almost stopped. Did he saw you and him talking earlier? How did he found out? You never say a thing about that.

"Why should you be in charge of his friendship? Your son can choose whether to be close to me or not." You crossed your arms, feeling a bit annoyed.

He looked pissed off. "It's for his own good!"


You are sitting on a chair in the navigating room. There is a table off of buttons and screen that you won't understand. The giant window glass in front of you showed just how beautiful the space is. All the stars and tiny meteors passing by. You wonder where Paragus is taking you and Broly to, but you are certain he wants the best for his son.

"Maybe they got a home or something..."


You turn the chair around to see Broly. He put on a cool armor with black and green gradiant. A smile formed on your face as he approached you with a tray of food ini his hands.

He cut a huge looking fuit into four pieces. "Before taking off, I found these inside the forest around your house. I tried the fruits, they aren't poisonus."

You took a piece from the tray and bites it. He also tried one, and the two of you eat together in silence. Paragus is really taking his time doing his business out there.

"Broly, hey, do you... Like me?"

"Like you?"

"Yep. Do you like it to be around me?"

"I do."

"Describe it to me." You are now facing him. "For me, to be around you make my heart beats faster. And my face is hot."

He thought of your words for a while. "For me... It feels like... I forgot everything and my mind only thinks of you."

That's it. That's the answer you've been looking for. He loves her and you loves him. That's the answer. "If your father said you and I can't be together, what will you do?"

"I..." He is hesitating.

"You will...?"

"I will obey him..."


You are now alone in your bedroom, spending your hours until the ship arrived at the destined planet. You are trying to keep yourself busy by organizing your stuffs and writing a diary entry. The answer Broly gave you earlier put your heart in the ocean of sadness.

'Well, after all I am only a stranger for them... Not like someone close and important or something.'



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